Thursday, September 30, 2010

New Blog from Judy in Arizona

Take a look at this new quilting blog and say hi to Judy Danz. She's been writing about using the new GO fabric cutter. Judy is a longarm quilter, breast cancer survivor, and grandmother.

Wanna hear something embarrassing that happened to me? I was out in a crowd recently and saw a young guy wearing a tee shirt with a sweet sentiment on it. It said: "You're #1 on my to-do list." Of course I took it to mean that you are top-priority to me. You know, you come first before all the things that I have to tend to. So of course being the friendly, chatty person that I am, I said "I really like your tee shirt. Very sweet." He looked at me like I had two heads. So I just smiled and said something like "Okay, uh, take it easy." And I got out of there. Then it hit me. Lol!


  1. LOL! That is too funny. He probably thought you were hitting on him! He's going to think of you everytime he puts that shirt on!

  2. LOL! That's so funny. I thought the same thing as Jen - he probably thought you were trying to hit on him.

  3. . . . one of the first signs of getting old is not getting t-shirt humor :)
    I love your blog and the places it takes me to see all the wonderful craft/selvage art out there! Thanks so much for the inspiration (and humor!)

  4. She probably needed a dose of kindness!!!! LOL!!! That is sooooooooo funny!



  5. Giggle! Perhaps with him age doesn't matter. :o) Giggling some more.

  6. We must have twin brains.
    Many years ago I worked for a bank. A construction worker came in to cash his check, and asked me if we had a "head". I pointed over to my boss and said "Right there."
    The entire lobby errupted in laughter.

  7. LMBO! It took me a minute to get it too, you little cougar!

  8. Chuckling away over here!
    oh Karen!
    He thinks you're a cougar!

    Love your bits of humor~

  9. I saw this on a t-shirt:
    Silence is Golden, Duck Tape is Silver

  10. I laughed out loud after reading about the t-shirt. I too thought the same meaning as you ...maybe it is my age or something.

  11. I thought the same thing as you when I read what was on the T-shirt. I guess we just come from a kinder, more genteel, less self centered generation.

  12. That is soooooo funny!! Serves him right!! I think its great you went up to him!! These knothead kids and their innuendo not so clean slogans!!
    You are my hero today!!

  13. Reading about your encounter is so funny! Sounds exactly like something I would do, being the chatty sort myself, who doesn't think before speaking. If that had happened to me, my husband would have said, "You're not just a square. You're a cube!" I'm giggling WITH you.

  14. Thanks for all the comments. I suspect he doesn't wear that shirt anymore. Heehee. He doesn't want to attract the wrong kind of crowd; I bet he's still scratching his head!

  15. This is Judy in Arizona - thanks so much for mentioning my blog! It was an unexpected and very nice surprise! Loved the shirt story.... made my day!

  16. Love visiting your blog. Still chuckling, thanks for making my day!!! Enjoyed the other ladies comments as well.
