Friday, October 1, 2010

Val's Bella Bag from the UK

Val Allen from Oxfordshire, UK has made another Mary Poppins travel bag. Even the things inside are made from selvages! And so much detail! Take a look at her fabulous Bella Bag's Blog. Didn't she do a great job?

Mary Poppins would be so lucky to have this bag. There's even room for her big umbrella!


  1. What fun! And a great use of selvages. Treasure from "trash."

  2. This bag is so beautiful!!!! I love all the pockets and the selvages inside and out :) I want to try and crochet with some and see how it looks...have a great day, I am off to check out her blog

  3. The bag is just wonderful! I have so enjoyed the projects posted on your blog too. I had no idea what all could be done with the selvage edge!

  4. Good morning Karen! Thank you for posting my MP travel bag :0) It is a privilege to be included in your brilliant blog, it has been my inspiration every week since I first discovered you and thanks to you ..... I am now a selvedge addict! But that is good :0)
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Val xx Oxfordshire UK
