Saturday, November 20, 2010

Beautiful Selvage Bag from the UK

Isn't this selvage bag stunning? It was made by Flossy Blossy in the UK. (Not to be confused with Flossie Blossoms.) She has a very interesting blog. Nice job, Flossy! To see the post about this bag, click here. She was inspired to make this bag when she saw the selvage frock made by selvage genius Jodie Carleton of Ballarat, Australia.


  1. Dear Karen,
    this bag is absolutely stunning, it makes me want to sew something beautiful like it ;-_ Thank you so much for posting every day such interesting selvage links!!!
    Yours, Martina

  2. Unbelievable! I am totally in awe of those who think of these things and then DO them!

    Love love love it!


  3. Oh my gosh -- this must be divine intervention or something!! I was upstairs trying to reorganize my sewing room and going through my fabric stash separating what I thought I will probably never use. I figured I'd donate it somewhere. I remembered something that I wanted to search on the web and miraculously I was brought to your blog!!! How divine. Well, now all that organizing I did will be undone as I go through it all and cut the selvages off. I think I'm hyperventilating!!! I'll be back often.

  4. Love the bag, so many people do wonderful and creative things with the selvedges. I will have to try something.


  5. Flossy Blossy ROCKS! What an awesome bag!!
