Sunday, November 14, 2010

GIVEAWAY - Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks - 3 Winners

The new collector's edition of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Volume 2 will hit the stores on Tuesday. Leave a comment below to enter a drawing for a free copy. There will be 3 winners.

The block above is my contribution to this issue. It's called "Upcycle" which means, of course, making something cool out of "throw-away" stuff.

Selvage quilters can tell at a glance how to make this block, but to show the newbies, I took some in-process photos. Machine stitch along the bound edge of each selvage. The stitching is easy to see on the red selvage in the photo below.

I like the little boots on the Moda selvage. That's one of my favorites.

Trim the block as shown above. Make three more, then sew them together, as shown below.

Add a selvage to the top and the bottom of the block, and then add one to each side. I think it will look really interesing when all the blocks go together. The long selvages will appear as if they're woven together. So far, I've only made one block, so this is just speculation.

I like the soft shaggies on the Moda acorn selvage below.

I was delighted to see another block in this book that included a selvage. Patty Young designed both the fabric and the block design for "Flutter." Isn't the hummingbird shape nice? Great colors too.

Okay, here they are, ready to be mailed to three lucky winners who will be chosen by our friend Mr. Random Number Guy. So leave a comment.

Wasn't it interesting to read about what we quilters wear (or don't wear) on our little feet when we sit down at the sewing machine? Who knew?


  1. Woohoo thankyou so much for a chance to win one of these fantastic magazines, how exciting!!

  2. Thanks for the opportunity to win this magazine.

  3. great upcycling! I'm glad you provided another perspective to the magazine. I'd love to have one. thanks for the chance.

  4. Great! Love your block! thanks for the chance to win!

  5. I really like those selvages with the boots and the acorns. I'll have to pay more attention next time I go fabric shopping because I hadn't noticed Moda was doing this. Thanks for entering me in your contest!

  6. Thanks for a chance to enter to win! I love the block!

  7. Great giveaway! Thanks.


  8. I love your block, Karen! Nice job!

  9. Oh, that is is how it happens! It takes a long time to amass selvages but I am working on it! Do have yards of a fabric collection with my name on it.......Willa!

    Need a really fun project for the yards and for the selvages.

  10. I love it when a quilter has an "A-ha!" moment. Show us what you make, Willa!

  11. I have two gallon size ziploc bags full of selvages!! Better make something!

  12. Thank you for the tutorial - I tried a selvedge block & wasn't too happy so will give your method a try
    Winning a magazine would be a bonus!
    Chris x

  13. great selvage block...and for a chance to win this magazine. looks wonderful. I have saved oodles of selvages and made a tote bag (which I took to Houston for Festival and got lots of compliments!) and am working on a red zinger now.

  14. Now I know 'how to' with all those selvedges I've been saving! LOL takes a few of us a while to get it LOL! I'd love to win one of these magazines, I'm still using the first one!

  15. My birthday was yesterday, so this would be a nice late birthday present if I won. Thanks for a chance at winning. Love the blog!

  16. Love your Blog and love the new block. Great work!

  17. The block looks great! It's so neat to see all the glimpses of the blocks in the issue.

  18. love the block! never thought of doing the selvages that way (silly of me, I know how to do that kind of piecing). I'd love to win the magazine!

  19. Love your blog, I have been saving selvages ever since and I love that selvage block it would make a nice little mat for xmas gift. Good luck to all in this draw.

  20. Would love to win a copy of the new book! Love your blog!ar

  21. Love the block! I finally started to save selvages, though it's only a small collection so far. Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. Love the block you made. Would love to win a copy of magazine. I am so looking forward to it's coming out.

  23. Congrats on having your block in the issue. It is beautiful. I look forward to making it. Your blog has really opened my eyes to what can be made with selvages.

  24. Oh, it would be so fun to win! Thanks for the opportunity! (And I'll make sure to upcycle it to someone else in my group too!)

  25. I'm from Poland and if it's not a problem I really would like to win this magazine :) Thank you for the chance to learn how to make selvage bloc, I will try to make my own selvage block!

  26. Thank you for the chance to win the magazine, they are hard to find here! Sharonj.

  27. Thanks for the opportunity. I also want to thank you for the little tutorial. I have a basket of selvages waiting for the perfect creation....

  28. Thanks for the giveaway! Your block is interesting. Hope I will win a copy of the magazine. :)

  29. Cool beans!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  30. Each piece of selvage is its own work of art. Love the boots.

  31. I love the term upcycling. You've inspired me to use my selvages creatively. Thanks - for inspiration and the opportunity to win the magazine.

  32. I'd love a chance to win a copy of this book!! And I just love your block! Your blog has made me save all my selvages - something I never did before - and that block would put them to great use!!

  33. Thanks for a chance to win this magazine. Your blog has inspired me to save my selvages. Now I just need to get busy and use them. I like the block you are showing and might just give it a try.
    Thanks again.

  34. What an cool giveaway thank for the chance to win. I love seeing all the different stuff to do with the selvage of fabrics.

  35. Love the block-it would turn into a stunning quilt!

  36. I'd love to win a copy of 100 Blocks
    Thanks for the block tutorial - more for us newbies would be very welcome!Although I find the hardest thing is collecting a quantity of selvedges

  37. Would love to win one of the magazines. I sewed all day yesterday on a selvage tote bag - just love playing with these throw-aways.

  38. Wow I'd love to win one of the blocks magazines. Looking forward to seeing more of your blocks. I can picture the woven look from long selvages.

  39. thanks always love seeing new blocks , great inspiration
    a reference book for sure
    thanks for the opportunity to win one

  40. Your block is very cute.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  41. How exciting to have a chance to win one of the magazines. Thanks for the tutorial for your block. I have a plan for a selvage quilt, am saving selvages, but didn't know how I should sew them together.

  42. I'm glad to see that it's OK to leave those fluttery edges. I have started sewing the selvege info into my quilt label for those quilts I make with a majority of one fabric line. Kathie L in Allentown

  43. I have been saving all of my selvages and that is what I want to do with them. I love that!

  44. I'm fold of the "shaggies" too and am careful where I use them. Your bock is super easy and should go together wonderfully.

  45. I started saving selvages ever since I came across your blog. Now I just need to start using them:)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the magazine!

  46. So many great blocks to make! Thanks for the chance to win.

  47. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway. I love your blog and your ideas because it's always bugged me to throw out selvedges (it seemed like such a waste) and until I saw your blog a few weeks ago I had no idea what to do with them!

  48. Of course I love your block! I am still trying to decide what to do with my precious little collection of selvages!

  49. I was thinking about your survey this morning while I was sewing {with one shoe off and one shoe on]. It is interesting to know that others are dong the very same.
    Thanks for the little tutorial.
    Would love to win a copy of Vol II of Quiltmaker's 100 blocks.


  50. I love how you did the selvedges.
    I have seen them, but they looked hard to do and your tutorial made me see how easy it could be.


  51. would love to win a copy of the new magazine love the blog keep up the great work!

  52. Oh, how I would love to be a winner. Thanks for giving me the chance. I can dream, can't I?!!

  53. I would so love to win this magazine. Your block is so clever, as always!

  54. Thank you for the chance to win.

  55. Ooohhh...I'd would absolutely love a copy of 100 blocks! MMm-mm, packed full of lots of yummy inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity!

  56. Great; i what to win; your block is wonderful, and all the A-ha moments!

  57. I'd love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance.

  58. I would love to win ...but, If I don't, I love the block anyway and love the site!! Thanks for sharing ... I'm going to the sewing room right now and try one out!!!

  59. I've got the first edition of 100 Blocks and definitely want the second!
    I've been saving selvages for a year or two now, have all kinds of ideas, but really need to get those selvages organized first. How do you organize yours?

  60. Looks great! I really want to develop my quilting.

  61. I'm so glad that you've got a selvage block in the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks; selvage quilting is certainly here to stay.
    I really enjoy the photos of the creative quilts and products that other quilters make with selvage; thanks for sharing them with us on your blog, Karen.
    Kathleen C. in CT

  62. I block looks great! Thanks for explaining it to us!

  63. Pick me, I would love to win the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks mag. cw

  64. I am addicted to selvedge blocks! I have made a coaster for my desk at work and am now working on a quilt. Love it!

  65. I'd love a chance to win!!Great block!

  66. You have the best blog, Karen! I always enjoy the stuff you share, and you're talented and generous to boot! Thanks so much! I appreciate this chance to win.

  67. One of these days, I'm going to do something clever like that with all my selvages! Would love to win a copy! Thanks for the chance!


  68. So glad there is a selvage block in the new Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks! I'll be taking my big punch bowl of selvages with me when I go to my next weekend retreat :-)

  69. The first edition of Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks was terrific. This one will be even better since it includes selvage blocks! Thanks for the chance to win.

  70. Thanks Karen for your daily dose of cool selvage ideas. I'd love to win one of those magazines! Thank you. Oh, I really like your block in the magazine - your background fabric just sings!

  71. Just love all that is done with selvages. They provide their own colour and all the text is different too. A personality unto themselves. Thanks for the chance to winn :-)
    Have a great Day

  72. Ooo, I love your little block! Need to get busy doing something with all my selveges. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  73. I may just have to start looking at the selvages instead of the fabrics when I am fabric shopping! The ones you used in your block are so cute, boots, acorns and different colored sun bursts, I think.

    Tuesday won't come soon enough, Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks is on my list of wants!

    Thanks for this chance to win one!

  74. Thanks for another great way to use up my selvages..They continue to multiply in my drawer...

  75. What an excellent opportunity, I'm soooo looking forward to the release of this book & am grateful for the chance to win one.

  76. Would love to enter your giveaway!
    I've been saving my selvages & looking to make something out of them.
    Thank you for the chance!

  77. Hi Karen, We haven't chatted for a while. Thanks for the chance to win this fun magazine!

  78. This is about my last chance to win a book, and I'd love to enter and have Mr RNG call my name. Thanks for the giveaway.

  79. Quilters constantly amaze me! Even more inspiration in a magazine like this. Thanks for the chance to win.

  80. I'd love to win! :-) put me in the draw thanks & thanks for the clear tutorial on that selvage block.

  81. Great upcycling. That would be a nice project for my huge stash of selvedges!

  82. I love making things out of selvedges! Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book too.

  83. Will be buying the magazine even if I don't win! And I've been saving selvages and have a small bag now. Trying to decide what to do with them. I think I will cover a lampshade and use my ort jar for the lamp base.

    Lovely blog, BTW - Cathy L

  84. Love this colorful block! You are so very creative! Would love to win a copy of this magazine. I know there are lots of gorgeous blocks inside!

  85. I missed out on Volume 1, thanks for the opportunity to own Volume 2

  86. Thanks for the chance to win the magazine.

  87. beautiful! thanks for hosting the drawing!

  88. Thanks for a great opportunity to win a great book. Lets just hope I'm one of the lucky winners. Love your blog. You have inspired me to use selvages. Love it -- so fun !!

  89. Love the block. I really need to play with my selvages.

  90. I love that selvage block!! So clever!! Thanks for the chance to win! Polly

  91. This looks like a fantastic book! I'd love to have a copy! Jamie V in MT

  92. Thanks for such a great give-away. And the tutorial on how to actually make the selvage blocks was awesome.

  93. OMG I would love to have a copy! I missed out last year so I am going to make sure to get a copy this time around!

  94. Thanks!!! I have a huge stash of selvages amassed!! Just have to knock off a few more quilts off the to do list first. ;0)

  95. I was just scissoring off selvages this afternoon and thinking how glad I was that you brought their potential to my attention.

    all the best, Sharyn

  96. Love your block! A copy of the magazine would be so nice.

  97. Yours is a super duper block - love it!! This blog hop has been fun but so many blogs to read doesn't leave me time for quilting!! :)

  98. I like your block a lot and have a whole basket full of selvages just waiting for a project! Thanks for the giveaway.

  99. I want to read it cover to cover....thanks for the chance.

  100. Upcycle! what a cool topic. love to get a chance to read that!

    kennedycraft (at) aol (dot) com

  101. Thanks for a chance to win this magazine. I love the block. I've been saving all my selvages since I found this blog.

  102. Thanks Karen for the chance to win a great magazine!!

  103. yes, I would love a chance for this special issue. I've been looking for it in the stores.

    I was talking with some of my quilt guild members at a recent retreat about selvages. One woman likes to include them with the label as a way of adding to the history of the quilt. I thought that was very interesting.

  104. I have a basket full of selvages now - thanks to you - and I still don't have a plan. Too many cool ideas!

  105. I'm looking forward to volume 2 of this magazine. The first one was filled with 100 great ideas, and I treasure it.
    Maybe I'll be a lucky winner this time. I appreciate your generosity, and congrat's on having your block included.

  106. Thanks for a chance to win one of these magazines!

  107. I am longing to have enough selvages to do something fun - they are building up slowly - in the meantime I could read a magazine if one came to live with me.....

  108. Thanks for the tutorial on making a selvage block, I have started my selvage stash and now know how to turn them into something!!!! I would super love to win that new book! Thanks for the giveaway!

  109. Thanks for the giveaway and for the fab tute - I was at retreat this wkd and came home with some lovely selvages I can make this with!

  110. Thank you for this giveaway!! what a great opportunity!! Lovely block you made! Have a nice week!

  111. Congratulations! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

  112. Thanks for offering THREE chances to win one of these magazines, Karen! Thanks for counting me in.

  113. Awesome block! Thanks for the chance to win:)

  114. I'd love the magazine. I do a lot of string piecing as well as selvage piecing. Did you know that used dryer sheets make a great foundation for small string pieced blocks?

  115. Your next question should be, "What do quilters wear from the ankles up?"
    Thanks for the opportunity on the book.

  116. Oh I hope little random guy is nice to me :) Thanks for the chance to win!!

  117. Ooh that is a great block, congrats on your submission!

  118. Love your block and blog! Ever since I came across your blog, I started to save my selvage. My collection is growing steadily! Thanks for the chance to win this magazine!

  119. Very cool block!! Love the placement of the words.

  120. I love seeing ways to use the shorter selvages, thanks so much! Thanks also for the chance to win such a great prize!

  121. I am a newbie quilter and I might have enough selvages to make a potholder saved. Would love to win this magazine. Thank you.

  122. Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  123. Thanks so much for the chance to win! I've been wanting to get my hands on that magazine for awhile now!

  124. I love your blog for interesting inspiration for new quilts in my life. (or at least imagining the new quilts in my life LOL!).
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  125. 3? there will be 3 winners. How nice that 2 others besides me will get their very own copy........snicker, snicker.

    Seriously........thanks for the opportunity and of course the fabulous contribution you have made to the quilting world in general.

    Did I suck up enough yet? :-)

  126. Love your blog. Would love to have a chance to win.

  127. Awesome block! Thanks for the chance to win.

  128. Great looking publication. Thanks for the chance to win.

  129. Sound like fun. I usually don't win things, but I keep trying anyway. LOL

  130. Great block, but of course all the ones with selvages are!

  131. I'd love the chance to win one of these great magazines, especially since they're so hard to get here in Australia. These days I look at selvedges more closely than I used to, and love the way fabric manufacturers are becoming more imaginative :-))

  132. I like your block, and I'd love to win one of the magazines.

  133. A chance to win one of the magazines is wonderful.
    It takes so long for the magazines to reach this part of the world I would love to win one and be the first one to own it down here.

  134. I know that one of these books is really looking forward travel to Spain ;-))
    Fingers crossed!
    Greetings and a big thank you!

  135. Lovely tutorial and a great block, congrats on being featured. My selvedge collection is growing, slowly but surely. Quiltmaker's 100 blocks - an awesome publication, I'm thankful for the opportunity!

  136. Interesting looking block, thanks for the instructions, I must have a go at it.

  137. Congrats on your block! Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

  138. I just looked for this magazine at Joann's today and it was not there. Thanks for a chance to win it.
