Monday, November 15, 2010

Hearts for Myra

This block was made by my friend Martina in Germany. I like how she combines selvages with embroidery. Take a look at Martina's blog and be sure to see her new spider web quilt.

Beth from California was also quick to respond to the call for some quilty love in cyberspace. She's got lots of interesting things to see on her blog: Love, Laugh, Quilt. Yayy, another heart with selvages.

Michelle in Florida of the Nostalgic Cafe blog made this pretty log cabin style heart block. Very nice! See her blog for the weirdest Halloween fabric! and a selvage Christmas tree decoration too.
I think Myra will be delighted with these blocks, don't you? I still have to make mine.


  1. Dear Karen,
    I'm really thankful to know you!!!
    With your help, bloggers all over the world will send heart-blocks filled with love and hope for Myra.
    Mine is on its way to her, thank for showing it here!!!
    Hugs from Martina

  2. The hearts are wonderful.
    I hate to admit, but I throw mine away, but love how you use them. What i was wondering is, what do you do with ones that have tiny holes in them?


  3. such cool things! thanks for sharing the links!!!

  4. All three hearts are so pretty!

  5. The hearts are absolutely beautiful. thank you ladies for your kindness. I know Myra is already receiving healing hearts from overseas and they brighten her day. She is overwhelmed at the beauty of them. Myra would thank you herself but she doesn't have a pc. Karen from New Zealand
