Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Blocks for Myra

Yesterday Martina (in Germany) told me about three of her quilting friends in Austria who have also made blocks for Myra (in New Zealand). The beaded heart above was made by Claudia. See Claudia's Blog.
Update: Karen Jones, Myra's friend and the one who started this project, said that Myra received this block already. She was surprised and overwhelmed. She doesn't know what 's going on here in blogland. This is a big neighborhood!

This hand embroidered crazy heart block was made by Ursula. Read more about it on her blog: Ursula's Kreativnest. So elegant. The striped heart below was made by Hanna. Take a look at Hanna's Quilt Page. She's been busy so you'll have to scroll down a bit. Great quilt show photos.

Are quilters tender-hearted or what?

More book giveaways coming soon.
Have a very quilty day!


  1. Hi Karen
    I spoke to Myra last night and she has received 3 blocks now, 2 from Austria and one from USA. She is so happy and I feel it is these generous gestures that are lifting her spirits and giving her hope. Quilters are all heart!! Thank you everyone who has emailed me. I can't wait to see them at Christmas time and maybe help Myra start sewing this beautiful healing quilt. Karen from New Zealand.

  2. Hi Karen,
    I'm very happy about Karen's comment! I think HOPE is very important for Myra in her fight against this desease.
    Thank you, Karen, for showing our "Austrian" hearts !

  3. Hi Karen,
    What a surprise to see our hearts at your blog. I really hope that the surprise and joy will help Myra to fight against the cancer and I am sure she will win the fight -
    thank you for showing our hearts -
    have a nice day

  4. So sweet! Quilters are tender hearted!

  5. Dear Karen,
    I agree in Claudia and Hanna, that's so funny, to see their Austrian hearts fot Myra on the Selvage Blog. So one can see, what a long journey they took before reaching Myra. Mine is also on its way to her and I sure, all the hearts together will help her!!!
    Have a nice day, hugs from Martina

  6. Beautiful embroidery and embellishments.
    I need to practice stitches so I can add more to my pieces.


  7. Those are some beautiful 'hearts'!

  8. Hi Karen.
    Join our blogging community for free at bloggvertise and get free do follow links to your blog. See you there...

  9. Dear Karen

    thank you für showing our Austrian hearts. I hope that Myra has the strength to fight against her disease.
    Kind greetings from Austria
