Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Asterisk Quilt for my Mom's Alumni

I just finished this Asterisk quilt which will be raffled to benefit my Mom's nursing school alumni association. I designed this block which was the Empire Quilter's Block of the Month last year and appeared in Quiltmaker magazine too. The link to a tutorial is in the sidebar at right. (I'm getting a lot of mileage out of this one!)

One of the nurses made this label. Didn't she do a great job? She also made another little one with my name on it, and I put it in the other corner of the quilt.

My friend Jackie Kunkel of CV Quiltworks in Canton, CT did the machine quilting. Isn't it beautiful? Jackie is a fabulous quilter; one of her customers sends her quilts all the way from Spain to have Jackie quilt them!
It's challenging to make a quilt that you think will appeal to a large group of people that you don't know. But I like how the solids go with the bright Kaffe prints and the quiet background prints. I think it looks modern, but not too wild. Mom likes it too.

Today the Blog Tour takes us to Amber Carillo's blog: One Shabby Chick.
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  1. I know they will adore that quilt! It was fun to quilt it and it is definitely more beautiful in person!

  2. Hi Karen
    I love the colours and quilting in your asterisk quilt! This pattern is on my list of "I need to make this quilt someday!" quilts. Thanks once again for sharing your love of selvages, art and culture with all of us! I do not let a day go by without checking your blog!

  3. This is lovely. I would love to make one of these- some day!

  4. Thanks for the inspiration of using an alternate block layout, Karen! I've finished my 88 Asterik blocks (between exercise sets and after having to set the project aside to make paraments for church)so I'm ready to play with the layout of my blocks now. I think I need to try this possibility; added benefit: a bigger quilt!

  5. it's really lovely! whoever gets it will be one lucky person!

  6. What a beauty, Karen! I'd sure buy several tickets for that raffle!

  7. Great quilt. I'm sure they'll love it! The solids are always winners.

  8. I really like that you've alternated the asterisk block with a print square. The effect is very nice... somewhat more soothing than all asterisks. It's simply a wonderful block that you've made into a gorgeous quilt.

  9. Karen, this is so lovely! I love the pieced border too! I really love the whole flow and this block or quilt really shows the power of fabric choices! I feel it more with this one than any others for some strange reason! It makes me feel good. Lucky whomever the winner is! I too am a big fan of your blog. It is amazing how simple you make it look. You must be very organized! Thank you again for a lovely job on your blog.

  10. Love this quilt. Great colors and Jackie's quilting is always fantastic.
