Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This is Post Number 1,000!

This is how I feel about my 1,000th post. I love doing this!

Like a big pile of selvages, the Selvage Blog blog now contains 1,000 posts! Hard to believe, especially since I worried that I wouldn't have much to say when I started. That obviously hasn't been a problem.
I love it that you email me with photos of your selvage projects so I can share them here. It's so cool that this is selvage "inspiration-central." Your creations are amazing!
Also, making friends with quilters in blogland is wonderful! Some, like Jackie at CV Quiltworks, Kathleen C., and Barb L. live right near me, and others like Karen Jones live in far-away, exotic places like NZ. And I met them all (and many more) on this blog!
Finally, writing a blog makes me more alert to the creative and interesting things around me. Now I stop, take a photo, and get some additional info to share with you.
Plus, if my DH does anything annoying, I threaten to write about it on my blog. Heh heh. Just kidding; he's a good guy.
While we're chatting about the blog, tell me what kinds of posts you enjoy most: selvage projects, other quilt photos, interesting quilts for sale on eBay, creativity topics like the airbag helmet, finding fun new blogs, links to tutorials, book giveaways, fabric giveaways, my family stuff like the dump dinner, asking for advice (like top load washers vs. front load), reader's photos like the view from your sewing room, show us your stash...any suggestions?
I'm glad you're here today. Special hello and hugs to my regular visitors and new visitors too!
Today's Blog Tour stop is Rossie Hutchinson's blog: rOssie.


  1. Karen,
    Congratulations ..... I have no desire to use selvedges in anything (not even virtually) .... but love seeing what others are doing. Thank you1

    Judy B

  2. Congratulations, Karen! Quilty stuff is always great, but it's your blog, so anything you write is good. Here's to the next 1000!

  3. Congratulations on yout 1000th post, Karen! I love seeing others' selvedge projects, but your blog never disappoints me no matter what you write about - it's always fun. Did you ever receive the photos I emailed a few months ago of the selvedge shoulder bag I made?

  4. Congratulations on your 1000th post ! I love to visit your blog.

  5. Congratulations on your 1000th post, love your blog.
    Hugs from France.

  6. Congratulations on 1000 posts. I like the way we get a good variety of different posts here. Keep up the good work !!

  7. Dear Karen,
    congratulations to the 1,000 th. post and in fact to your amazing blog, that for me has become a never ending source of inspiration, that I won't miss anymore. Hope you'll go on for many more 1,000th posts.
    Hugs from Cologne, Martina

  8. Yay!! Congrats on 1000!! Wow, I am glad you have been blogging too. It has been wonderful getting to know you via computer and in person. I look forward to you continuing your blogging journey. And I am looking forward to a potential sew in one day soon.

  9. I enjoy it all. Don't change a thing!

  10. This blog is a daily read for me and a constant source of inspiration and information. I've enjoyed all of the posts regardless of content! Congrats on the 1000th post!

  11. Congrats on 1000!!! I like your variety in your posts, keep it up! Here's to 1000 more!!!

  12. Congratulations! I love the selvage inspiration posts best, but all your posts are fun reading.

  13. Hi! I am pretty much a new follower and think the success of your blog comes from the variety of topics a reader can find here. Congratulations on the 1000 post! (I am already happy with my 69 and cannot imagine writing 1000!!!! )Great job!!

  14. Wow 1000 posts, good for you! I have enjoyed reading your blog and can't wwit to see more.
    I love seeing all the interesting things people do with selveges and quilts, but real life is interesting too!

  15. I love reading all the posts! I love seeing the great projects people do with selvages. It's amazing how creative and talented some people are!

    Congratulations on your 1000th post! I can't wait to read 1000 more.

  16. I'd have to say my favorite are all the projects you show ~ So very inspiring. My second fav though is showing where everyone lives. I love that.

  17. It's nice to know you too, Karen! I like the wacky, out of the box posts, because they push the boundaries and inspire me to try new things. because of you, I'm also known as the crazy selvage lady and bags of this stuff come my way.

  18. Congratulations Karen on 1000 posts! And it looks like you are close to 1000 followers too :-) I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You always share fun and creative things with your readers. I am still collecting selvages, and hope to make a project one day!

  19. Woohoo!! Congratulations!
    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    ~Monika from Saskatoon, Canada

  20. WOW, one thousand posts! that's a lot of writing, investigating, picture taking and love ...
    I love your blog and look forward to whatever it is that you're writing about and all the photos you post! Because of you, I've been saving all my selvages and asking my sewing friends to do the same (for me of course) ... don't know what I'm going to do with them yet, but it will come to me!
    I say, keep doing what you're doing cause it works for me!!!

  21. Congratulations on 1000 posts..WOW!

    I love to visit this blog, I enjoy all of your posts, there is always something exciting, creative and inspiring in everything you show.

    Thanks for taking the time to share with us all

  22. Karen, I think all your posts are interesting! Congrats on 1000 and may there be thousands more!

  23. Congratulations, Karen! I have enjoyed it all. It's been fun to see the places you show us and all the very pretty and extremely unusual things you have posted. Here's to a thousand more posts!

  24. You certainly are the one who opened my eyes about selvages. My blue zinger is one of my all time favorite quilts I've made. I love that you share other people's creations. I love that you share your travels with us. I love when you point out interesting things you've seen or heard about. I'm just so very glad you are here! I recently dumped a bunch of blogs off my Google Reader (can't keep up!) but yours will always remain on my list. :-) Happy Blogiversary!

  25. Well, I've been following your blog for almost a year I think, and so far, I haven't seen anything I didn't find interesting! So keep up the good work & here's to the next 1000 posts!

  26. Wowee! ! ! ! !
    Karen, that's a heck of a lot of posts.
    I enjoy reading what's on your mind.
    Love all the projects created by selvages.


  27. Congrats! Lots-a posts, lots-a sharing. Love the selvage projects, but enjoy the other posts too, just keep on doing what you do.

  28. Wow! Congratulations! I've so enjoyed seeing the creative quilts and other projects that you've shared with us. Here's to many thousands more - cheers!

  29. Congratulations Karen! I know that this blog is a lot of work. I stumbled upon your selvedge edge work when I signed up for a free emagazine preview of Down Under Quilts. Since then I check out your blog for both your quilty stuff and those you uncover and report. Tutorials and quilty inspirations are what I look for from you. Great work! I appreciate your time and effort in keeping the blog.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Congrats on #1,000 - that is a huge milestone. I especially love the pictures of creative selvage projects. They give me inspiration on how to use my growing stash of selvages.

  32. More congratulations, Karen, from me to you, just up the road.
    I really enjoy the selvage photos that you give us; I'm amazed by the ingenuity and creativity of quilters and I like that you offer that to us.
    I smile when you post a few quirky things; I get a "picture in my mind" when you post photos of NYC because I've been only once, about 1964!
    I enjoy entering a few giveaways and visiting new-to-me blogs, and you give both of those to your readers. So, I like everything about your blog, and you've got a wonderful following.
    Happy Autumn to you.

  33. Congrats on 1000 posts! THat is super! I like seeing the selvage projects people submit...everyone's creativity is so inspiring.
    I like peeks at sewing rooms; other quilts and fast projects that make great gifts; tutes for techniques and reviews of favorite notions....just about anything floats my boat and you usually have it all and make it so interesting to boot!

  34. Way to go!! Congratulations on your big blog milestone. I enjoy reading your blog a lot and you should just keep on doing what you are doing. A blogger fan, Carol.

  35. Congrats Karen on your blog! I for one just look so foward to seeing the new pictures and posts everyday! Thanks and please keep it up! A true Fan!

  36. Congratulations on your 1000th post! That is quite an accomplishment. Your blog is one fo the first I go to every morning - I love all the variety. So much calorie-free eye candy. Keep up the great work!

  37. Congratulations Karen, on your 1000th post, what an awesome achievement. Hugs from Australia!!

  38. Karen, I can't choose what I like best. Your blog is always interesting and a nice break from my hectic day. Thanks for doing it and CONGRATS! (1000 posts is a LOT!)

  39. I love your blog. I visit regularly and love what I see, I have a thing for text so selvages are great fun. I am collecting them so someday I can share my own salvage project.

  40. Karen, I love your blog, every single post. Just keep doing what you're doing. You make me smile, laugh, think, run to my sewing machine, share with my husband, and remember how rich we are in the quilting community of friends. Thank you!!

  41. Congratulation!
    I like reading the posts and to get inspirations to use selvages.
    Actually I am working on Spiderweb-Selvage blocks for a quiltfriend.

  42. Congratulations, Karen!! I love seeing all of the great selvage projects on your blog, but I love the other quilts you make as well. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing with us!

  43. I have been saving selvages ever since I found out about your blog near the beginning of your blog journey. I love the idea of not wasting them and cringe when I think of all the selvages through the years that quilters/sewers have thrown away! But, will I ever use them? Maybe. Congratulations on 1000 posts! i enjoy your blog.
