Saturday, November 27, 2010

No Crowds Here in Connecticut

Last Sunday my DH and I saw the movie "Red" in Winsted, CT. We didn't have to wait in any long lines and we weren't bothered by people talking during the movie. It was just us! Before the movie started, I got up and took this pic to show you. That's my DH you see there. It wasn't like this when we lived in New York! Yes, I did put my feet up.

I'm not a fan of action movies, but I enjoyed this spoof. It starred Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman. Retired CIA agents get together to do a mission. No gore, and the good guys win.
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  1. This brings back such a wonderful memory for me.....

    On our first date, MH took me to see "The 39 Steps" at a suburban theatre and YES we were the only people there ... MH claims that he had HIRED the whole theatre just for us!!! They still opened the candy shop even though sales were very slim that night!!!

  2. How fun, a theatre all to yourselves. The theatre up the street from my house is always PACKED.

  3. You should have called me! The hubs and I could have helped you to "fill" the theater... LOL! Actually it must have been pretty cool to have the theater all to your self.

  4. Years ago I saw A Chorus Line all by myself. I was working out of town and was bored so one evening right after work I caught a 5 PM showing - ALONE. Kinda spooky, really.

    We liked Reds also. I think the theater was about half full when we saw it. The Expendables is another recent spoof action film that's fun.

  5. i just saw that last week with my sister. our viewing was pretty sparse, too....maybe 8 people. good movie, though.

  6. Oh it was such a fun movie. My DH is a big action movie guy and Bruce Willis does know how to do them. We saw Unstoppable last night and a five till it went from the two of us to about 20 people. Amazing that in little Lexington we can have that many people see a movie. It was up against Untangled and the new HP movie.

  7. Now that would be fun, no people in the house, lol.


  8. Two years ago when I turned 80, a neighbor of mine who also had just turned 80, and I went to see Sex in the City at the local theatre. It was a matinee and she and I were the only two people there. Two old ladies had a great time watching SITC! Carol

  9. Hi Anna,

    I loved this movie too. What cracked me up the most has to do with that cute young CIA guy. I had a major crush on him after movie and wondered where Hollywood dug him up - I'd never seen him before. So I googled Karl Urban afterwards and discovered that I've seen about 4 or 5 movies with him, oops! Just goes to show what makeup and different hair can do for you! :)
