Saturday, November 27, 2010

Restroom Curiousity

I saw this standard size sink with two faucets recently at Whole Foods or Barnes and Noble. I can't remember which. Have you ever seen such a thing? Must be the work of some over-achieving plumber!
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  1. That is interesting. I wonder if it was put together that way so that someone in a wheelchair (or a child) would be able to reach the faucets more easily...

  2. Hmmm, too early in the day for my brain to even begin to sort out this oddity.

    Nope, can't handle this one.


  3. I have never seen that before. It's strange. I think it would be more useful if the faucet were on either side (left and right) of the sink. If someone is already using the back one, it seems like it would be difficult to use the front.

  4. My first thought was--so the little kids can reach it! If you kneel down on the floor and try to reach things, it puts it all in perspective!

  5. Wooo I would love to have that in my house! Most of the place that including my house faucet is too far for kids. There will be no excuse for "I didn't wash my hands because I couldn't reach"!!

  6. very odd.
    Why have two then? The side faucet could serve everyone.... I can not understand the bonkbonk reasoning for this one. - it makes my whiskers twitch

  7. Usually faucets that are set closer to the edge are to be more accessible for those in wheelchairs. Perhaps that is why this set up is used instead of having to put in a lower sink?

  8. maybe for someone in a wheelchair?

  9. I've often wondered how someone in a wheelchair could reach the faucets and then there's the paper towel dispenser that is usually even above my head and I'm standing!

  10. My first thought was so that it could be wheelchair accessible. I have been in some restrooms where the faucets were way too high and therefore the water splashed all over. Must have been designed by a male.

  11. Maybe the plumber drilled the holes wrong and it was easier to fix it than buy a new counter top? Surely it's useful for small children who couldn't otherwise reach the tap...

  12. i'm betting that the one in back was already in place when they realized it wasn't very handicapped friendly and installed the second one on the side (and no point in removing the one already there).
    loving looking through all the old posts. this is my new favorite quilting blog! :D
