Friday, November 26, 2010

Selvage Bag from New Mexico

Daryl in New Mexico of the Patchouli Moon Studio blog just made this zippered selvage bag. It's as big as a tote bag and she plans to carry her knitting project in it. Since she'll carry it as a clutch, it doesn't have a handle. I think she just wants to hug her selvages and her knitting. Makes sense to me!

She says it hardly made a dent in her selvage supply. I see some selvages in there that Daryl won from the Selvage Blog! The row of green dots looks awesome, doesn't it? Great job!


  1. I've been saving my selvages since I first found your blog and I love making zip bags and think this one is just lovely! thanks so much for all the inspiration!

  2. Wonderful bag and great idea for sewing bags too.

