Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas in New Zealand

Remember yesterday I said, "If you're in the blizzard, I hope you're warm and safe. If you're at the beach, send a picture!" Well Leeann in New Zealand did just that! This is what Boxing Day (the day after Christmas) looked like at Ruakaka Beach, south of Whangarei, NZ. Isn't it breath-taking? It was 86 degrees F and Leeann was swimming here. She says the sand is white silicon. Lovely. We're walking on white stuff too, but not as toasty.

Now that we have quilting friends around the world, I'm more aware of the fact that someone's enjoying summer when we're in the middle of winter. I always knew it, but now it's more real to me. I'm more aware of the fact that it's every hour of the day and night somewhere too. Hello to all our neighbors on Planet Earth.


  1. Merry Christmas to you. Here we have a lot of snow and it is cold. But this is christmas for me, snow and the frost biting in your nose.
    Wishing you a happy new sewing year. May 2011 bring long threads and a lot of selvages :)

  2. Thanks to you and Leeann for this wonderful warm pause...

  3. Making friends seems to be the best way of seeing the world through somebody else´s eyes, doesn´t it?

    It feels warm in Brazil, too. Love to see pictures of the White Christmas.

    Happy 2011.

  4. Dear Karen,
    here it's white, too, but not from sand on the beach ;-) We have a lot of snow, it's cold, freezing and I'm dreaming of a hot summer...
    Yours, Martina

  5. Those "whites" are quite a contrast.

  6. Happy Christmas (late :)
    and a wonderful New Year when it arrives Karen!
    I love your house and the magnificent view to the woodland and the snow!! how very lucky you are!
    your cooking treats all looked great too and I'm off to rummage in my cupboards for something nice now!
    best wishes, Annette
