Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Here are some of my favorite Christmas ornaments.

My Dad and I found this ornament in a Christmas shop many years ago. He bought it for me. He and I were very close and enjoyed many long talks. He died 13 years ago after having Parkinson's. I'm lucky to have had him for a Dad, and this ornament reminds me of happy times. This ornament isn't fragile, and it should last a long time.

My DH and I bought this ornament in a department store when we lived in Tennessee. Each year everyone in the family would choose an ornament. The guys chose cars and hiking boots and boats. I always chose fruit or flowers or something wildly colorful.

This ornament is from the gift shop at the New England Quilt Museum in Lowell, Massachusetts. I think it was made in South America. I have several. Isn't it pretty?

I think this angel is so graceful, and I like how the white shape stands out against the green tree.

Okay, now let's see your favorite ornaments. Email a photo to me at karengriska@optonline.net.
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  1. Congratulations on your new home! It looks warm and cozy already. Can't wait to see that quilting studio! Beautiful ornaments too.

  2. I love the story of you and your dad! Isn't it great how ornaments can bring back so many wonderful memories. I just love those kind of trees!! Merry Christmas, Karen!

  3. The ornamants are just lovely. The pinecone simplicity is perfect and the quilty block is so fun.

  4. Love 'em all! I'm partial to angels though. Merry Christmas!

  5. Karen, thank you for sharing photos of your new home which is surely warm and lovely. It must feel so good to be settled and to look forward to enjoying your home for many years to come. Kathleen

  6. Karen, I really enjoyed seeing your favorite ornaments, they are so special. I'm sure your dad is smiling down on you as each of us reads about that special Santa. I love the blue gloves on him!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    JoAnne in southern California
