Monday, December 20, 2010

Welcome to my new home!

Here are some photos of our new home. We moved in a week ago. We worked like crazy to unpack and clean up for a family Christmas party on Saturday. It was such a wonderful time. We had a turkey dinner then a Yankee swap (Everyone brings a wrapped "white elephant" gift, then each person chooses a gift, opens it, trades it, etc. Lots of fun.), apple pie dessert, and lots of good visiting. You can see we are still waiting to put the cooktop backsplash tiles on the wall. (See above the flowers on the island.) But most of the house is finished.

We had just about everything we needed for the dinner, except I couldn't find the serving spoons, so we used long handled iced tea spoons instead. My sisters shared one water glass and one wine glass between them. Haha. We had such a good time. I'm still feeling a glow from the wonderful family day. Everyone happy and healthy at the same time.

This is the entrance foyer. A neighbor brought us a pointsettia. The "streaks" of light on the wall are created by the light fixture. More photos to come. Thanks for visiting. :)

Oops, little mistake. If you're looking for the post about ornaments, it'll be here tomorrow.

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  1. teh little green eyed monster is trying to peek out here! especially all those books.

  2. Haha. And now all you really need is a Kindle! And that's easier to pack too.

  3. Warm, welcoming, beautiful. Oh how I'd love a room filled floor to ceiling with books. Next house.

  4. Just beautiful!! I bet that you are just so happy that you are not settled. It is gorgeous too!! Can't wait to see you soon!

  5. Wow, look at your cabinets!!! How exciting to be settled in just in time for Christmas!

  6. It looks so cosy and inviting, as if you've lived there forever. Little wonder everyone had such a heartwarming time!

  7. Your new home looks so lovely. Can't wait to see more of it.

  8. Your new home is beautiful, love the dark woods.


  9. Thanks for the invitation to get a little peek into your beautiful new home......I agree with Stephanie. it certainly does a exude warm and welcoming feel!

  10. It's so good to see those 4 leather chairs! What wonderful memories I have of visiting your home in Tennessee.

    Many blessings, dear Friend.

  11. Glad you got in before Christmas. Your home looks lovely!

  12. Great, beautiful new homes.

    Just like to share with you a beautiful quote...

    "You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life" - Albert Camus

    You can get more happiness quotes at

  13. What a lovely home you have! I can't believe how quickly you got unpacked and everything in its place. Good for you!

  14. The cabinetry in the family room is amazing!

  15. Lovely pics! I'm waiting to see what The Selvage Den (your quilting studio) looks like.

  16. AH! HOme sweet HOme! YIppee! congrats Karen! looks amazing!

  17. Congratulations, Karen and family. What we've seen so far is beautiful! Happy holidays.

  18. It's beautiful, Karen. All that woodwork is so rich-looking. I'm guessing the house is a colonial style, right? You are blessed to live in such a gorgeous place... and I already know you know that. Lovely to hear about your family gathering too. Wonderful

  19. oh WOW! it looks lovely! must be nice to be settled in just before Christmas!
    I've missed your posts the last couple of days, glad you're back!

  20. Thank you inviting us to your lovely home! Just in time for Christmas and for many happy years to come!

  21. Nice that you're calling it "home" already! Looks comfortable and beautiful at the same time!

  22. It's beautiful! Is the bear enjoying the fireplace? He looks cozy!

  23. Congratulations. You are very brave to move at this time of year, but you pulled it off beautifully. Lovely home.

  24. It looks like you have been there forever. What a busy time of the year for a move.

  25. Just beautiful! I hope you enjoy it for many, many years to come!

  26. Hi Karen
    Congratulations and Blessing on your new home!
    How exciting to have built your dream house.
    Your photos are lovely and I look forward to more.
    Did you sleep the first week? :)

  27. I LOVE your floor to ceiling book shelves! I am so jealous! My DH doesn't understand my need to keep my books, I love books! He thinks you just read them and get rid of them.

    Your home is beautiful, I'm so very happy for you! Merry Christmas!
