Tuesday, December 14, 2010

We Moved!

We have been building a house in Connecticut, and I'm happy to tell you that we just moved in! We've moved 8 times in 33 years. It's such a big project! You pack and pack, then when you think you're done, you still have to pack things like the telephone and the food in the refrigerator. And clean the fridge too! Then you have to start unpacking! And we're having a family Christmas party on Saturday. I caught a cold during all this, but things are looking up. Thanks for listening; I just had to whine a little.

I'll show you some photos soon. The quilt studio is shaping up. I can't wait to spend some quality time in there. Our Internet connection isn't working so I'm visiting our local Internet cafe to say hi to you. As you can imagine, I'm way behind in my emails. But I'll catch up and be blogging again soon.

I hope you are enjoying some peaceful and joyful moments. Hugs to you.


  1. Congratulations on moving in, and I hope you feel settled soon. Lousy timing to get sick!! Can't wait to see photos!

  2. Hey Jill! I just wrote this post, and here you are already. Next time you come this way, stop in for a visit. NJ isn't that far away.

  3. Best of luck with your move, it is always a BIG thing to cope with. And with Christmas coming up fast you will be doubly busy.

    Thank you for another wonderful year of the Selvage Blog, I love reading about all the great things you find for us, and others blogs from all around the world.

    Jenny from New Zealand

  4. Wow, superwoman - moving, Christmas, parties, sick and you still find time to post!

  5. Happy new home!
    I hate the packing and unpacking part, but I love how all my stuff looks new to me because it's all in different spots.

    seasons best, Sharyn

  6. Holiday in your new home, how exciting. Have a joyous time. Be well. Sickness just isn't allowed during Christmas.

  7. Yay! Yay!! I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to come over and help you christen your studio... I hope that you are feeling better before your family party.

  8. Congrats on your new home! We moved this summer, but we had lived in our old house for over 30 years! I love our new place, and I can't wait to see yours :-)

  9. Oh how I hate to move...it is so much work and in the middle of the holidays! You sure didn't whine very much and then you are sick on top of it...come on let out a good WHINE!

    I hope you'll have many happy years in your new home...and won't have to move again!

    Happy sewing and Merry Christmas

  10. Congratulations on the move. Can't wait to see pictures, especially of the studio.

  11. You are a trooper. In 35 years of marriage, we have moved three times and that was enough! Right now we are camping in an extra bedroom while we are blessed to remodel our bedroom and bath. It's been six weeks and we are ready to be back home. All the best to you and get well from the cold.

  12. well, the worst is over, hope you enjoy the unpacking and settling in

  13. Moving into a new house! How wonderful is that. Oh, that reminds me of the rooms that need painting here. We're not that far away in Connecticut - Trumbull. There is a nice quilt shop(if it's still in business) in Litchfield. I took a class there a few years ago.

  14. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well and hope you're lots better quite soon. Now, you just have to remember where you put everything in your new home!

    I can't wait to see photos of your studio once you've gotten it all the way you want it. It's all yours, nice!

    We just helped our son move to his first house, whew!

  15. I can't wait to see you new home.


  16. Hi Karen,
    oh, I think, that I don't have luck in sending you something, as I've yet sent the letter, that came back to the given adress, where you now don't live anymore:-(
    So, let's wait and see, what'll happen to it! I hope, you're fine now and not longer ill. Thinking of you, your new home and your studio and wishing you all the best for a new start in a new home!!! Hugs from Martina

  17. Good luck and Happy Holidays, Karen! Can't wait to see your pics!

  18. Congratulations on the new digs! Can't wait to see you sewing studio!

  19. how exciting to move into a new house and have a sewing studio to boot! really love your blog and all the inspiration you share ... thanks so much!

  20. What a great way to start a new year, new state, new house, new studio! New beginnings all around for you. I can't wait to see & hear all about it.

  21. congrats on the new home! I know how you feel, 8 moves in 19 years for us (with one home being 8 years and this one 5) But then we were military for many of those moves! So.... the big Q, with the move will you be decorating the new house for the holiday?

  22. Oh I hear you! Soon all the hard work with be done, the cold will be gone and youe'll be so happy in your new place! (I promise! LOL!!)

  23. I completely feel your pain. We are moving (this week) from Florida to Northern Virginia. My husband should actually be there in the next couple of hours. The kids and I will follow later in the week!
    Can't wait to set up my new studio and see pics of yours!

  24. Oh my . . . moving has to be the biggest, hardest, tiring job ever. I hope you will be able to stay in your new home for a long, long time! Good luck with the unpacking. May you have a merry time with family on Saturday.
