Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pinky's Looking for Adventure - Giveaway Today

Pinky has been living in a storage box for a year, and now she wants to travel. She was looking out the window this morning when I took her picture. As her mom, I want to make sure she goes to a good home, you know, a quilter's home. Can you resist those eyes? She says her best features are her 3 stegasaurus thingys on her back, her fancy pants, and she's very loyal. Oh, and she's reminding me that she has a great sense of humor too.

So leave a comment for the random drawing. I hope you're having a good week closing out the old year.
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  1. Would Pinky like a trip to England?
    Although it's cold and drab at the moment Spring is just round the corner (OK I'm a glass half full kinda gal!)and there's always lots of crafting going on here!

  2. Wow, that was a fast response! I wish I could go to England for the price of mailing a little package. Pinky's all excited. You know who kids are. :)

  3. Very cute. I know a lil critter who needs a friend..hope she likes skunks..thanks for the chance to win. Happy New Year to you!

  4. Here in the Pacific North West she would enjoy living with a family of 6, the little one of the family would help take care of Pinky, 8 year old Katelyn. Pinky would enjoy quilting, rain (she will learn to love the rain), reading a bed time story, swinging on the swings with Katelyn and making forts in the family room. We would also enjoy trips together as a family to Mt. Rainer, Pacific Ocean and Seattle for a play on 5th ave once in a while and without a thought she would enjoy trips to our local quilt shop that would be... The Parish Quilt shop.

  5. Does she like snow?? I know my grandkids would have fun with her when they come to visit!

  6. Le gustará España....estoy segura, y le gustará mi hijo.
    Feliz 2011 y mil besitos.

  7. Oh! Pinky would LOVE coming to Kent, Ohio (land of a HUGE December snowfall). Here she could live with a very special little girl who would love her to pieces.

    Have a wonderful 2011!

  8. Oh, if Pinky came to KY she would be played with by our sweet lil 3 year old and Mary-Grace would protect her from her older brothers! Just so happens that Mary-Grace's favorite color is Pink. Her room is painted Pink, Purple and Yellow so Pinky would really fit in. =)

    Thanks for the chance for Pinky to come to our house. :)


  9. Haha, you're right, Desert Threads! Just don't let Pinky hear you refer to her as a Stupid Sock Creature (as in the name of John Murphy's book about making these little cuddlies).

  10. oh, Pinky is too cute! I know a little girl that would love her! Her cousin got a monster plushy and she just got a little owl. She called me up and asked why she didn't get a little monster. Pinky would fit the bill perfectly!

  11. I have 8 grandchildren~ and am a quilter and knitter! Pinky would be right at home here!

  12. I think Pinky is great. I think my daughter would love to take her to Arcadia when she starts her freshman year in Sept.

  13. I love Pinky! She is just gorgeous! I have the sock stuffies on my list of things I want to do one of these days...
    Maybe Pinky can inspire me!

  14. I think Pinkie would love Utah! My stuffie, Ada, just came home via priority mail this morning. She spent a few months in a wonderful quilt shop enticing quilters to make an Ada for their sewing room. I know she's going to be a bit lonely and would love to have Pinkie as a friend!

  15. Come on Pinky, travel out to Northern California!! Teddy would love to snuggle with you. Promise he doesn't chew up anything!

  16. Oh I think it would be neat to have her travel the world like the famous traveling gnome!

    If I win her I think I would make her something to add to her outfit and then continue the giveaway on my blog so that she could travel to another spot in the world and hopefully she would be passed on throughout the world :D

  17. Pinky would LOVE Minnesota this time of year (except for today, because it's raining instead of snowing)! She would be living with two quilters (my husband and I), and helping us through the adoption process. She would be great company on the two plane trips to Ethiopia to 1. meet, and then 2. bring home, our children!

  18. I would love to give Pinky a home. She would love the South.

  19. Hey.........I think Pinky could use some selvage suspenders! I would make her some for sure!!!!

  20. if Pinky wants to come to Montana, I have two little girls who will fight to shower her with love. The only problem is she MIGHT get tugged here or there. Think of it as free spinal adjustments! We will be moving to the Seattle area in the summer, so she'd get some good culture there too.

  21. Pinky would fit right in with my family in Ontario Canada. My daughter and my nieces always tell us we are weird and Pinky's arrival would just confirm that for them!

  22. Pinky would have to live high high high up on the shelves if she wants to stay out of the doggy jaws of death at my house!

    glen and Dutch and Chloe the Smelly Basset

  23. Pinky is more than welcome to come to Australia where it is summer at the moment :)

  24. I have lots of little ones to love Pinky around here too.

  25. I think Pinky would love to live in northeast Iowa with two very active Corgis.

  26. she is so cute, I'm sure she would love living in Iowa in my sewing room

  27. I live in Canada, and think Pinky could keep my 2 young children warm.

  28. She can come live with me and even have her own room with a bed and blanket!

    I am an eye person and she has very nice eyes!

  29. Would Pinky like to come to Canada? I promise it doesn't snow very much here but we do get a lot of rain like Seattle. There's also one grandbaby and another on the way who would love to play with her!

  30. I love Pinky - especially her striped pants! Thank you for the giveaway!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. It's sunny in the 70's in South Florida this week! Would Pinky like to warm up and hang out in a quilt shop? She could be the official greeter and inspect the new fabric when it comes in :)

  33. I have 4 little granddaughters who would love to see Pinky at Grammie's house! Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. oh Pinky would love living on the coast! I would be so happy to share my sewing room with her, I'm always looking for someone to show off my quilt blocks too.

  35. I'd like to have Pinky here with us in Michigan. She can look out over the back yard and watch the squirrels and birds. We don't have children or pets but I can still show her a good time.

  36. I love Pinky! She looks like she might be ready to go for a run! Just looking at her cheered me up! If she came to southern California to live, I would ask my DH to make a very special shelf for her so she could watch over my shoulder while I quilt.

    I like what "Quilting Memories" that it would be neat to have Pinky travel the world. Maybe we could each take care of her for a month, then send her on her way to the next person and post about her here. I wonder how many U.S. states and other countries she could visit! So much fun!

  37. Oh, it's got to be her pants. They are just too cute. Please let her come to California. I know she would truly fit in here and not one would stare. It's completely normal.

  38. Pinky is a hoot and would add some great humor to my quilt studio.

  39. I bet Pinky would love living with a friend, my sock monkey Ricky Jr.

  40. I don't know which is more delightful, Pinky's stegasaurus thingys or her fancy pants!

  41. Oh my! She is so sweet! I know a little someone who would love her!!
    Thanks for another giveaway Karen.

  42. Happy New Year to You! Pinky, I know a wee one with a dino baby quilt. She would love to introduce you to her pinky friends of stegs, stags, pteros, and t-rexes - in Florida.

  43. You're right, I can't resist those eyes. She should definitely come to Florida!
