Friday, December 10, 2010

Selvage Postcards with Rick Rack

Kay M. Peterson (from the Midwest, USA) made these pretty selvage postcards with a dash of rick rack. Her blog is called My Olive Branch because she assumes she'll eventually annoy all the readers, and the title is her official and continuing apology. Are you getting the idea that she's one hilarious quilter? You're right.
On another topic, we're moving today!! Finally our new house is finished. So I'll be unpacking boxes for a while (probably years, I hope not). Can't wait to get into that new quilt studio. I'll show you some pics soon.


  1. Good luck with the move and in your new home, Karen!

  2. Karen, enjoy your new home. May it be a happy and creative space for you.

  3. How exciting Karen. At last! All the best for the unpacking and settling in to your new home.

  4. Selvedges and rick rack are a perfect combination! Happy Moving--is that possible? The happy part? After the icky moving part is done you'll certainly enjoy your new home.

  5. Yay!! I am so excited for you!! I can't wait to come over and help you play in the studio... so when will that be??? LOL!! Seriously if you need any help, I am there for you!! Congrats on the new house!

  6. A new house ready in time for Christmas, how wonderful! With a studio, of course, fantastic. Lucky you.

    I've been making selvage PCs for a while, hadn't thought of adding rick rack but now I'll do it, very good idea.

  7. Congratulations and best wishes on your move! It'll be fun to see the photos.

  8. Woo Hoo! Can't wait to see pictures!!

  9. I'm excited for you, Karen! Good luck with the move.
