Thursday, December 9, 2010

Quality Time on the Computer

Haha. This is from Knitting Help. Have you ever noticed that non-knitters think you hold knitting needles the way you hold a pencil? The Keebler elves knitted like this on a tv ad too.

It would be kinda fun to build your speed and accuracy with a computer though. So much for the zenlike qualities of knitting.


  1. Do you remember when a "quilted Charmin" ad showed little old ladies quilting with knitting needles? The ad was so woefully wrong. Quilters were up in arms about it - so much so that the ruckus they raised caused Proctor & Gamble to remake the ad! Quilters united and made a difference. I'll never forget it.

  2. Linda beat me to it - I was going to mention the Charmin ad too. The ad people must all be men who don't like to do actual research!

  3. Once upon a time ago, the quilted toilet tissue elves quilted with knitting needles... :o)

  4. Wouldn't you think that someone in their ad department would do just a little research into the subject ! ! !
    Well, we know, don't we.
    Happy Holiday Hugs

  5. I like the cartoon, but I have a bit of a different take on it: I think it speaks to all the time I spend on the net READING ABOUT quilting/books/de-cluttering/whatever rather than actually DOING what I need and want to do.

    Good reminder!

  6. I do remember the knitting quilters, LOL.

  7. In parts of the world they do knit holding the needles 'like pencils.' I lived in Germany in the 70s. One of my work mate's was from Nepal. She 'power' knitted holding her needles like pencils, that's the way everyone she knew knit. It was fascinating watching her knit, I felt like I was watching a movie on fast forward. She was appalled that I held my needles as we do. She said it would eventually hurt my wrists! Well, it's now 35 years later and she was correct!
