Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blizzard in Connecticut is Cause for a New Quilt

We got 22 inches of snow! I took these photos yesterday after enjoying a day of sewing and baking. I spent the whole day having fun and didn't feel guilty for a second. This tradition was firmly established when I was little and school would be cancelled because of snow. That meant a day of fun and no work.

The porch on the second story at right (not above the front door) is off my quilt studio. I opened the door, took a picture, and closed it! See below, haha.

I don't really need all this thread to be right next to my machine, but I like seeing it there. My machine is a Juki 98Q. It's very fast and sturdy but it doesn't do anything fancy, not even zigzag.

Wanna see the quilt I started? First I spread out all my solids on the floor and picked some colors. Then I went wild with a big pineapple block (it's fun to make them by eye) and decided to use it for a center medallion. Now I'm making borders to surround it. I'll keep you posted as it develops. I love to make up the design as I go along, and try not to "overthink" each decision.

Do you plan a quilt design completely before making it, or do you decide as you go? They both have their advantages.
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  1. Your house and your land are so beautiful, Karen.

    Are you sure you want to keep those threads right in front of the window when the sun shines in?

    You have to tell me the width of those tiny looking strips in the pineapple! It's looking great, so far. Do keep us posted. BTW, I clicked through to the tutorial and learned something new. So easy to make without a foundation!

  2. Your snow picts are GREAT! There are some areas close to me that got that much but not us.

    I really like your pineapple log cabin block -- a good snowed in choice. Also, I have a Juki sitting in my sewing room too.

  3. Oh your snow pics are cute! What part of Connecticut are you in? I lived in the Darian/Stamford area for three years and loved it. I miss shopping in Danbury and Westport and the Christmas shop in Wilton. Glad you enjoyed your snow day.

  4. Not sure which I like more your house or the quilt. :)

  5. Beautiful scene for your gorgeous home. A perfect way to spend a cold and snowy day. Mostly I have an idea of the quilt but never really plan it out. I'm not the graph paper kind of gal. I wing it although there are time when I had a more mathematical mind.

  6. A "wing it" quilt is on my list of things to try sometime... I love the beginnings of yours and look forward to seeing it as it grows. Please keep sharing! I hope I get a snow day or two this winter so I can spend the day playing with fabric...

  7. We got about the same! Although that doesn't surprise me as you aren't that far from me. I spent the day binding a quilt and stayed in my jammies for the longest time. I never do that!! Love the sewing room! I am not sure that I would have even opened the door...LOL!! Your pineapple block is fantastic. How large are the strips you are using?

  8. Ok, I'm too busy ogling your thread collection... did you say something? hahahahaaaaa!

    I lean more toward stream of consciousness quilting.

  9. Wow! That is a lot of snow! Reminds me of our last February storm!

    It all looks so serene..Gorgeous picture of your house and surroundings.

    I love what you are working on right now! Not to overthink.. I like that thought!

  10. Now that's a pineapple! I rarely plan ahead when I start a new quilt. Even when I do, I make changes along the way.
    You won the snow jackpot! We had a rainy mix for a while, so we ended up with about a foot of heavy wet mess.

  11. You home is beautiful and that is a lot of snow! We only received about 6". Love the pineapple block and the colors are great. I usually have an idea for a quilt in my head and sometimes I will make a little sketch, but I a fly by the seat of my pants kind of person.

    There is a wonderful pineapple log quilt in movie Uncle Buck. It is red, yellows, and green and it is on the teenage daughter's bed. The yellow and red in your block reminds me of it. I have never gotten around to making one - add that to the list?

  12. We had about 4-5" of snow in Atlanta Sunday night, followed by freezing rain that left everything covered in thick ice. The city has been virtually shut down all week, but at least the power stayed on!
    Lovely pictures. I might start with a block pattern, but then I wing it from there. I suppose I don't like anyone telling me what to do. :)

  13. Here in NW Wisconsin our winter started with a 22" snowstorm that had us shoveling every couple of hours, trying to keep up. Not much time in the sewing room that weekend, but generally I like winter for the extra time I get to quilt. We keep getting snow, but smaller amounts now; it still has to be shoveled which cuts into play-time.

    I'm a planner when it comes to making a quilt but I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone and "wing it". I might be too German for that! (engineering dominant brain).

  14. You got more snow than my area!
    Snow day is perfect peaceful sewing day! Love your pineapple block :)

  15. You DO have a beautiful home, Karen. Your photo is picture-perfect. It could even be your 2011 Christmas card! As for your quilt block, it's apparent you spent a great deal of time on it. Tedious, I'm guessing, but definitely beautiful.

  16. funny thing is that I remember exactly the same thing about snow days when I was growing up on a farm -- everything stopped and we played games. My sons are in high school and they've never had a snow day, even though we live in the land of winter.
    nice to see your machine. I just bought one like it. does yours have the extended table and the thread cutter? thanks for the pineapple link. I might try that.

  17. Love love love snow days! We had a great one yesterday too!

    That quilt design is does funky things to my eyes when I look at it!

    For something little, I will sometimes design as I go. But for a big quilt, I like to know where I'm going and be sure that I have enough of the right fabric to get there!


  18. Great pineapple block! I LOVE the colors you chose, and the subtle variety in shades. What a nice, cozy day in your beautiful home.

  19. What a fun day you had. I love positive people who make the best out of things. Sounds like you really know how to handle a 'snow' day!

  20. We ended up with 20 inches at my house in NH. Work got canceled and that was like winning the lottery to me.

  21. Wow, that's your HOUSE??? Beautiful! Love your pineapple block. I often just start without a firm plan and just hope I have enough fabric to complete the top!

  22. Wow Karen, your home is beautiful. Stay warm and keep that machine humming.

  23. My husband will be in Ct again this week and is not happy about it, after being stuck on the road for 12 hours last week because of snow. We only have a few inches here!
    I have a Juki I got it this summer it's the best thing I ever did. I love my Nina but she can't quilt like my Juki.
    I don't usually plan my quilts. I start with an idea and see where it leads me.

  24. Hardly any snow accumulation on my segment of Cape Cod, but, hey, a snow day is a play day. So I quilted almost all of yesterday -- and i worked up so much momentum I did the same today.

    Your house looked wonderful in snow, and I'm sure it will look equally wonderful with green grass and spring flower in a few months.

  25. It is totally beautiful, both the house and the quilt. So how does your dog go pee?

    glen in Southern Louisiana wants to know.

  26. beautiful home! Beautiful studio! And great block! We work in a very similar way. Build from the inside out... missed you last weekend! enjoy all that snow! Are you sure your not in MN?

  27. Your house is so pretty. Your quilt is too! I've got a similar project going myself.....fabric play! I use a Juki machine for my machine it!
