Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Won the Blogland House Blocks!

Beth at Love, Laugh, Quilt in California asked quilters to make a house block with the name of their blog on it (if applicable), and send it to her. She was celebrating the friendships we quilters enjoy in blogland. I made one that had some selvages on it, of course, and sent it to her back in October. She divided the blocks into groups of 9 and I won a batch!
It's going to be fun to put these together in a quilt. I really like that big Canadian flag. That's from Riel at The Q and the U. What a good idea! Every block has some red "tying them together" and I love them all. I never expect to win things, so this is quite a surprise. Thank you, Beth!

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  1. WOW !!! How lucky are you.


  2. I love them. You are the lucky one, hey?

  3. Very cool!! Congrats, can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  4. House blocks are among my favorites, and yet I have not made a house quilt so far. One of those back burner projects.

    These are very cute, congrats on your win!

    P.S. I received your Selvage Edge book in the mail and am devouring it.

  5. Congratulations! Great blocks and I do love the Canadian flag.

  6. Yay! You got my block. It is so cool to see it in the group there. And guess what? I won a set of the blocks too! I was really happy, it is my fist blogland giveaway win. I wonder if I will get your block??? That would be a neat coincidence. Thanks for the link up to my blog. :-)

  7. Nice! It's great that they are all so different.

  8. Lucky You~
    You got a nice group of houses.

  9. Congratulations! How fun is that! Oh...I just love house blocks and those are so darling.

  10. Those will be so much fun!!! That flag is adorable.

  11. What fun! I like that big Canadian flag, too!

  12. Oh I was going to ask who sent the one with the Canadian flag....its gonna be a beautiful quilt...what a nice neighborhood :0)

    Happy Sewing

  13. Congrats! I sent in a house block too, but wasn't chosen. It will be fun to see how you finish up yours!

  14. Hi, The one with the daisies is the house block I made. What a great group you got. Look forward to seeing this become a quilt.

  15. The one on the bottom with the black is the one I made! Enjoy!

    You also got the one I liked with the canadian flag!

    It is pretty cool to know you are one that got mine!

  16. Congratulations! I won a set too. i am looking forward to seeing how you gather them together. I have been toying with different ideas for mine as I wait for them to wing their way to me.

  17. Congratulations, what wonderful blocks and fun to have them depicting the different places they were sent from.


  18. The middle house on the bottom row is mine. I am glad you received it. I also won a set but because of the ice here in Atlanta we have not had mail delivery in a week. I did see the mailman's truck today but it was in a ditch.

    It will be fun to see what everyone does with their blocks.
