Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Little Side Project and More Snow!

It was a dark and stormy night, seriously. But I had the lights on so I could watch the snow and do some sewing. The quilt top that I've been showing you is finished (photos tomorrow). The 15 Minutes Play blog inspired me to make this happy improvisational block. It measures 10"wide x 13" high. Maybe this will be a center medallion, or maybe I'll just keep making more blocks.
If you're the one who's been praying for more snow, enough already! January has been a record-breaking month for snow in New England. I love it. This little porch is full!

That's my DH in the tractor. We had to pay someone to plow one recent storm when the tractor wasn't working and it cost $100. Can you imagine? That's 10 yards of nice fabric!

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  1. oooh! I love your block..what a great beginning!

  2. now THAT'S a lot of snow. Love the tractor pushing it around!
    I'm doing an art quilt class at one of the local colleges, I just did something similar to what you're doing with black and white (not my favorite to work with, but, hey, that's what the teacher wanted). It's turning out okay. My son and his wife really like it, so I know where it's going when it's finished!

  3. Great block! I can't imagine that much snow.

  4. Karen,
    I love your block. The center medallion is a great idea! Want to see more when it grows!
    And the snow? Oh.. I have had enough..

  5. New snow is always magical. Our snow is at the dirty stage. I love your play time. It looks fantastic against all that snow!

  6. Oh my, that's a lot of snow. I'm in Southern California and I just can't imagine having to deal with it. BTW it should be about 79 degrees today.

    Love your block.

  7. Awesome improv block! I'm with you. Enough snow already! I'm lucky to have two teenagers who do most of the shoveling. This is the most snow I can remember since we moved to RI 14 years ago.

  8. Just beautiful!! Can you believe the snow we are having? I guess this makes up for last year. I need a Caribbean island.

  9. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks of what things cost by the amount of fabric I could buy in its place!

  10. haha, yes it may be 10 yards, but you wouldn't be able to get out the drive way to buy it, or the mailman get in to deliver it!! Love your play block.

  11. Your improvisational block is really jazzy. Think it would work as a BOM?

  12. I love the new block. Amazing what you can do on a dark and stormy night.

  13. Knowing how much my DH loves tools and such, I'd bet that your DH likes driving that tractor!

    I'm in southern California too and have no idea what snow is like. It's sure pretty though.

  14. Isn't the 15 Minute Play a great concept? I love your all solids improv block.....wonderful. Sorry about all the snow..Ok. I'll stop praying for snow (kidding!).

  15. Hey Sis! Lovin' your PLAY block! Can yo0u believe all this snow... eek. hack... cough.. nasty stuff...

    bring your scraps over, let's play.

  16. I think we have all had enough snow;)


  17. A good motto for winters like this one: when it snows, sew.

    That's what I've been doing and I'm sure many others are doing the same.

  18. What a beautiful, bright and colorful block!! This New England winter has been quite conducive to staying inside and quilting. I, too, love to watch the snow and am lucky enough to have a big window in the room where I sew. We also have unprecedented mega icicles here in southern CT-- the pictures I've taken don't do them justice! FYI-- I used to live in Warren, CT and miss it very much.
