Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Antique Quilt by Marczella Szabo

This stunning quilt was made in 1948 by Marczella Szabo for her grand-daughter Norma. Doesn't this look like the modern quilts that you would expect to see in a book like "Material Obsession?" I'll ask the authors of that book to take a look and comment on this post. I love the fabric combinations she chose. And those blue squares on white look very modern to me.

Marczella was a very talented quilter and crocheter, and she was the great-grandmother of Mirja, a quilter and blogger in Michigan. Mirja says the applique is perfect, as is all the hand quilting. You can see more on her blog.


  1. This is an heirloom type of quilt! Think about its history.

  2. You are right. It does look like it has come straight from a Material Obsession book and I like it very much.

  3. it is beautiful...very vintage and I think true to that era..
    How lovely to have something of your great grandma's

  4. beautiful quilt , typical quilt from the 1930's
    ah yes the MO girls definitely are isnpired by antique quilts, but then again most of us are.

  5. What a beautiful quilt. It would look awesome in brights or polka dots too.

  6. It's a gorgeous quilt. Just goes to show that quilters of days gone by did have a sense of design and colour.

  7. Beautiful quilt! but WHOA - if you consider 1948 an "antique" that makes ME an antique! I was born in 1948 - a VERY good year! lol

  8. Beautiful quilt! Very inspiring. Thanks.

  9. Ok, LOVE that quilt...always possible it will be it the next Material Obsession book!(except that the quilts for that are nearly done now!!!) Anything with tulips is appealing. It is always fun to imagine the maker of the quilt, to feel what she might have felt while making it and then to take the wheel and try to make your own version. Most of my quilts start out from looking at quilts just like that one. I fall in love and want to recreate it and then, since I can't follow directions, they end up swerving off the path and becoming something just a bit differnt. Thanks for sharing that! Kathy Doughty

  10. What a treasure of a quilt! It looks so much like a Material Obsession quilt that it might be in the NEXT one, except that the quilts for that are nearly done NOW! It is always fun to imagine the original maker and to embark on their path to reproduce their quilt now. I try that but can't follow the directions long enough not to change things ever so slightly to my choices...thanks for sharing. Kathy Doughty (material Obsession!)

  11. Thank you so much for featuring my great-grandmother's quilt! And thank you everyone for all your wonderful comments. We are so lucky that this quilt survived as well as it did after spending decades in Miami.

    If you check out my blog you can see her other quilt that we found.

  12. Absolutely gorgeous! How wonderful that it's so pretty after all those years. How nice to have something your great grandmother made.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Sorry, belated comment, I have been travelling. I LOVE this quilt, it's right up my alley. Very MO - and very my new book too, as you'll see when it comes out :)
    I would love to have a go at re-interpretng this quilt.... maybe on a linen background, or even grey...
    Now you've got my brain cogs rolling, thanks for the pic Karen!
    Sarah Fielke
