Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Selvage Rosettes - Giveaway Too

Heather at the How Do You Do This Again? blog (you know her as the mom of fabulous fashion model Lily Bear) likes to embellish her selvage creations. Look at these charming selvage rosettes! And I love the look of stacked buttons too. Even a bead on top of the buttons is nice, or a pile of beads.

Heather made three little selvage bags and you can win one on her blog. Good luck.


  1. Darling! Creativity and Function. love these.

  2. The link above seems to be broken, but if you want to win the bag from "How Do You Do This Again" here is the link:
    How Do You Do This Again

  3. Thank you yet again for all of your support Karen

  4. Heather is so clever and Lily bear is precious! Thanks, Karen, for steering us her way!
