Friday, January 21, 2011

Mystery Giveaway and a New Blog from Colorado

I'm not tellin' what's in this box. You have to win it to find out. See below.

I couldn't resist this photo of Lily Bear: great smile, chubby toes, couture outfit, the works! It's from Heather's brand new quilt blog called How Do You Do This Again? See her selvage bag there too.

How to Win: Visit this new blog and sign up to Follow, or leave a comment, or just take a look. Then come back here and leave a comment. Nothing fancy. It's a random drawing. (Sorry, you can't win the baby!)


  1. I just followed 'How Do You Do This Again?' . I had to.. Lily made me :) She is such a cutie pie !

  2. Oh that baby is cute! Her smile melts your heart.

  3. I'm now following "How Do You Do This Again?" Are you sure that baby won't fit in that box? She's a sweetie!

  4. Oooooh, thanks for the heads-up on the new blog "How Do You Do This Again?" I'm a new follower over there!

    Someone give that adorable baby an extra cuddle from Canada, eh?

  5. I love the photo of Lily in the green hat. It is clear that SHE thinks she needs a different one!

  6. Heather has a nice blog. I'm following now. Can't wait to see what's in the box, Karen!

  7. Great blog! I left a comment and signed up to be a follower!

  8. Fantastic blog and Lily Bear is sooo cute.

  9. Thanks for the opportunity to know such a nice new blog! And for the giveaway... Are you sure the baby is not included? :-)

  10. I am a new follower of "How Do You Do This Again?" The baby is sooooo cute!

  11. Very cute blog! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Nice blog!! What a lot one can do with selvage edges! I will start collecting them now. Thanks for the chance! Greetings from Seoul.

  13. Thanks for introducing us to another blog with selvage inspiration. I enjoyed the parade of hats!

  14. Thanks for showcasing this blog, I'm now a follower. And Lily is just as cute as can be!!!!

    It's a snow day here -- might do some snowing.

  15. Lily wears her hats with style! That box is calling my name!

  16. I just signed up to follow. Thanks for always showing us new blogs and wonderful sites.

  17. That box looks interesting! Maybe it is a whole box of selvages for one of us to play with. Would you part with that many? I am not sure I would. Thanks for the heads up on the new blog.

  18. I left a comment on the How do you do this again blog. What a cute baby and such a good model for all those hats!

  19. I left a comment over there. Thanks for the chance! (really cute baby!)

  20. Heather has the most wonderful blog ever! Okay, I am a bit biased, she is my best friend and cousin. We are doing the 52 challenge together.

  21. Oh, are there selvages in that box? Or I'd definitely take that newest quilt top you're working on ... thanks for the chance to win.

  22. Inspirational blogs are always welcome. Thanks for leading us to a new world, and myself, I am for that cute box. What's it really, may luck find me:)

  23. Thanks for directing me to a new blog. And for printing one of the cutest baby photos I've seen.

  24. That blog makes me want to sew baby clothes, and particularly hats!

  25. What a cute baby, yes I have visited the new blog and signed up.
    I love surprises my 50th is coming up in a couple of weeks.


  26. Oh, my, that baby is a cutie!

    Wonder what is in the box!

  27. I am now following Heather's blog. Isn't Lily just a little cutie pie? Thanks for the giveaway.

  28. I LOVE the baby hat on "How Do You Do This Again?" - shame I'm fresh out of babies to make it for!!

  29. I became a follower. The baby is adorable and I love the little hats!

  30. very cute!! and the blog isn't bad either. :)

  31. I commented on Heather's blog. And "no thanks" on the baby. She's adorable, but I've got three grandies of my own! They're 15 months, 8 months and 9 weeks. Enough already.

    Thanks for your giveaway, Karen. You're being as generous and nice as can be!

  32. Well, if I can't win that cute little baby, what's the point of entering the giveaway? Oh, ok, go ahead and put my name in for the mystery box. I'm going to follow this new site just so I can keep seeing pictures of cute little Lily! Thanks for the pointer!


  33. what an adorable baby. and so good natured to model all of those hats!

  34. Surprises are so much fun! Thanks for introducing the new blog. It will be interesting to see what she comes up with next.

  35. Just came from visiting 'How Do You do This Again?'
    I think I'm her 23rd Follower.

    If I were to win a baby this is the one ! ! !


  36. What a great new blog! I just had to go through and read all her posts, thanks! and that baby is the most adorable model!!!!

  37. What a cutie - almost as cute as my little girl ;^). And what cute hats! Too bad I didn't see these before the holidays or all the family cuties would be sporting them!

  38. I am following, too! Now if I could get someone to follow my blog.....

  39. Lucky me I have a Lily of my granddaughter with the ginger hair!
    thanks for a chance to win the mystery :0)

    Happy sewing

  40. Oh... damn! I'm looking for a baby! :-))

  41. I appreciate your kindness in supporting new bloggers and your generosity in offering a giveaway!
    I'll take the baby for a day!

  42. i am now a follower of How do you do this again? Wow she has some great ideas on there!

  43. love the new blog!! AND the photo of Lily! :)

  44. She has the cutest baby! And what a good model for all the hats she's made. Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. I just followed "How Do You Do This Again?" also :) that is the cutest lil baby! So happy! :) brightens the world!

  46. Love new blogs! Thanks for the invite and I am following this one to!

  47. First of all... Lily is a cutie pie. Secondly, I signed up to follow the new blog "How Do You Do This Again?" Thanks for the chance to win a mystery... gosh I am so curious. Are you going to let us know what was in the box if we don't win?? I just have to know!!

  48. Are you sure it doesn't include the baby? Or at least one of the hats her mom made! It's a cute blog, she's funny and I want to make that cute boat fleece hat with a flower for me!

  49. Very cute bag over at How Do You Do This Again!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  50. Now isn't she just a cutie pie! Just been to visit and just loved the baby pics, partiuclarly the last one and the white fluffy hat! LOL

  51. OMG. Such a cute baby and such a cute outfit. I am sew making one for my niece! Thanks for the post!

  52. The baby is adorable and love that outfit.
    I left a comment on her blog.


  53. Did check out the new blog. Cute! Love her selvage bag!

  54. My day has been made! Lily Bear is precious! Thank you for showing her to us! You're sure we can't win the baby? All of my friends have grandchildren, I don't.

  55. Love the thigs she do, and love her cute baby!!!I just signed up to follow her(don´t know why my picture doesn´t appered, I´m the one with no picture) . thanks for the giveaway!!!

  56. The selvage bag is a great first design for Heather Louise achievement. Plus, the baby is too cute with the cap and top. Thanks for introducing us to this new blog. Oh! p.s. almost forgot, I would love to find out what is in the box - I'm in for the drawing

  57. What a fashionable baby! Thank you for the new blog link!

  58. What a beautiful little hat model your Lily is. Love the felt hats.
    Interesting box giveaway, have you ever thought of selvage wrapping paper. That dress is way to much for me but very interesting.

  59. Lily is so cute!!! I am following How
    Do You Do This Again?.


  60. What a sweet little girl - I just found out my new grandbaby is going to be a girl so I'll have to look for some of those patterns. I just signed up to follow her blog - thanks for sending me there!

  61. Now that new blog has the most
    G-O-R-J-E-E-O-U-S baby...(Lily!!!)
    wearing the cutest little Mommy designed dress! The selvage project is really nice

    Sorry, Lily takes the show! I'm following to keep up with her sewing and seeing more of Lily!


  62. The baby's soooooooooooo cute, I love her!!!!!, I went to the blog, and read the tutorial about selvadges and the measuring tape, I left a comment there, and now, Im here, hehehehe

  63. Oooh babies made me crumble. I could smother her with kisses. Love the bag. Also I love surprises and would love to see whats in tha box.

  64. Thanks for the blog link - always nice to see a new selvage quilter out there.
    beautify package, whatever the contents.

  65. I've been to the new blog "How do you do this again. I love it.

  66. Already printed the selvage bag tutorial. Love the use of the metal tape measure. Thanks for the ~mysterious~ giveaway!


  67. I left a comment on her blog. What a cute baby.

  68. Thanks for pointing the way to this blog - I love the project, the measuring tape idea, the tutorial AND the baby! lol I can't wait for more great ideas so I have signed up as a follower so I don't miss any.

  69. Oh boy, I love give aways! I hit the 'follow' button on the new blog, "How Do You Do This Again?". I love new ideas and inspiration!

  70. Thanks for the link to the new blog! Love the duct tape project!

  71. I'm following How Do You Do This Again with GFC. It looks like a great blog!


  72. Loved the tutorial, can't wait to make a bag (or several). Thanks for leading us to her blog.

  73. Just signed up as a follower and left a comment for Heather. Thanks for the heads up. Love her blog and can't wait to see what she does next. Winning your surprise box would be perfect for my birthday which was this week.(Jan 20) Have a great week-end and happy stitching!!

  74. Aaaw that baby is so cute. Love the hat. Thanks for the tip. I'm now following How Do You Do This Again. Can't imagine what's in the box. Hope I win so I can find out.

  75. What a darling baby.
    I love sewing with those selvages too.

  76. Heather's blog is lovely and Lily Bear just adorable so I had to become a follower. Thanks for the intro, and your mystery giveaway :)

  77. I loved meeting Heather at our selvage salvation party. It was gratifying seeing these ladies that had never even thought of playing with selvedges before create! Thanks for hosting a giveaway for her!

  78. Darling little Lily! Cute blog. Blogging fast becomes an addiction!

  79. I just followed "How Do You Do This Again?" too - great blog! Thank you for the giveaway!
