Thursday, January 20, 2011

Serial Quilt and Baskets in Denver

Here's the latest on my current quilt project. Yesterday I added the outer border of red triangles and started making the gold piano key border. I'm liking it. Maybe one more border. We'll see. Thanks for all the great name suggestions!

Here are two close up photos of basket quilts at the Denver Art Museum. They allow photos. Red and green quilts are such a classic. The cherry basket below is woven green strips.

I hope all is well with you today.


  1. looking good. I am working on a round robin style scrappy piece and might just have to make a few bow ties to get another border. cw

  2. I love how it is turning out!! The colors are just fabulous. I am looking forward to seeing more.

  3. I never thought of using bowties as a border! That's brilliant!

  4. I just love seeing your project as it grows, border by border! How big is it now? I am looking forward to seeing how you are going to quilt it.

  5. Your little quilt is looking luscious, Karen! What are its dimensions by now? Do you think you'll FMQ this one?

  6. Wow, Karen. You have an amazing collection of solids. And they don't even have printed selvages!

  7. You're quilt is growing very nicely. I never would have thought of adding lighter borders but it really make a nice frame.

  8. When you mentioned another border, I couldn't imagine it would need it, but now I see this and WOW! It really looks great. I guess I wan't imagining a light border.
    I'm no help with names. Lots of mine are nameless.

  9. Your quilt is coming along quite nicely! love the border and the colors, of course!

  10. This quilt has so much energy, yet remains beautifully contained. Love it!

  11. Karen, thanks for showing the progress of your quilt-the colors are so good together and of course your piecing is great.
    I've made two medallion liberated quilts from older fabrics, in an effort to use up fabrics and to become freer with my piecing and have found that medallions are fun to design and make.

  12. Karen,
    I am really loving the progress on your quilt. The colors are fabulous.

  13. I thought you were done with the piano keys, lol.
    I love how you bordered it, really stunning piece.


  14. "Serial Quilt" is perfect......can't wait for the next episode!

  15. Today when I look at it I think it should be named "Pixelated!"
