Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Snow Day Quilting Again

We had snow and ice all day yesterday, and you know what that means: guilt-free sewing time. I added a border of dark "piano keys." Next will be a repeat of the red triangles. Any ideas for a name for this quilt?

On Monday, before the storm, I took this photo of the post office (center, above) here in Litchfield. The snow piles are massive. I wonder how long they'll be with us this spring.

As the sun was setting, I noticed how pretty these flowers looked. They smell like springtime. More selvages and giveaways coming soon.
I hope you're having a quilty day.
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  1. Ooh-la-la! That quilt is looking better each time you add something to it.

  2. The first thing I thought of when I saw this quilt design was the way the old projected movies at the movies used to come on in the darkened theater with a flashing symbol (similar to the center of this quilt) at the beginning of the show. Does that make sense?

  3. Just when I think it can't get any more awesome...I love the skinny piano keys. How about naming it...A Dark and Stormy Night.

  4. This quilt is coming along fast! Every day it has been a pleasant suprise to see what you have added and I think it is spot on - ok, that what I would name it "Spot On".

  5. love the quilt - my first thought is of a vintage game board!

  6. WOWZA, that quilt is gorgeous... how about "Kinetic Chromism!"
    Fabulous Motion of color!

  7. This quilt was compelling from the start, and the suspense is building with each addition. I call that "Pineapple Power"

  8. I would call it "Sign Off" as it reminds me of the older graphics that used to be on televisions like the sign off when there was no programing during the late nights.

  9. Your quilt is stunning! I can't wait to see the next red triangles border. Oooo, it's just so gorgeous. I'm hopeless at naming quilts - I see you've already got some great suggestions. Wow on those snow piles. I wish you could send some our way. It's been unseasonably warmish in Vancouver for a week and the kids are desperate for some real winter!

  10. "Test Pattern" "it's Only a Test"

    It reminds me of the old movie and tv test patterns.

  11. I am an antique quilt dealer as you know and my sister in law a new quilter, she has done a center medallion in hexagons and I suggested she make a frame quilt, this is the perfect example of the narrow strips I suggested, thank you I have sent her the picture best wishes Linda
    what about " and all that Jazz " has a very twenties feel to me xx

  12. love your new project, Karen.
    The contrasts are really interesting and wonderful!

  13. Seeing the snow makes me miss Connecticut! I do not however miss the Naval base! Your quilt is coming along nicely :)

  14. I love your piano key border, it's a perfect addition!

    I have no idea for a name. I've wondered why quilts are named, do you know?

    JoAnne in California

  15. Incredible! No other word will do!

  16. Quilt name: Round & Round She Goes, Where She Stops, No One Knows! :o)

  17. The piano keys really frame it beautifully.


  18. When I saw the quilt I thought Amelia Earhart - good name!!

  19. It makes me think of "Test Pattern."
