Monday, January 17, 2011

Quilt Progress and Sunday Drive in Connecticut

My new quilt project is coming along little by little. I wasn't planning on including any "humility blocks," but they showed up anyway.

My DH and I went for a drive yesterday in northwestern CT and we saw this "patchwork" bear in front of a little gift shop, the Wish House in West Cornwall, CT. Below, you can see the covered bridge.

Then we drove to nearby Millerton, NY to get some tea at Harney Tea. Yum!

Welcome Thalia, follower #1,000. Can you believe it? At first I wondered if anybody would sign up! She will receive a prize. :)


  1. Oooo, it's coming out really nice, Karen. If you hadn't mentioned it, no one would have noticed. I had to look a few times before I found the humility block! I wonder what colors the next round will be....

  2. Ok, it took me a while, but I found your humility block! Your quilt is looking fabulous. I haven't seen a covered bridge in years, thanks for sharing those great photos.

  3. Your quilt is looking GREAT! Never heard of "humility" blocks.

  4. have always wondered why the bridges are covered is it to keep the snow off them in winter?

  5. Love your progress. Really wonderful colors. Harney and Sons is a favorite in our house. Good things the bear is staying warm in his pathwork.

  6. I just love the Harney and Sons store in Millerton. It is a must stop at store on the way to my sister in laws house. Great day for a drive!

  7. "Humility Block" sounds so much nicer than lots of things they could be called! What a great drive. I live about a half-mile from a covered bridge in busy metro Atlanta. The bridge was built in 1872 and local residents have rallied and kept it from being torn down many times. When you make it to Georgia, I'll take you on that drive. :)

  8. Thanks for sharing the photos of your Sunday Drive. The country side looks wonderful, snow and all.

  9. love the bear!!! I think he is just what my garden needs this summer! wonder what my husband would think of that?

  10. That is really beautiful, love the design and colors.
    What a nice place for a drive.


  11. love the quilt and the drive. What a beautiful pair!

  12. I've been to retreats at Trinity, right by the covered bridge, a beautiful setting. West Cornwall is a lovely town. As is Kent. :-)

  13. Thank you so much for the link to Harney Tea. Jasmine tea is my favorite. I'll have some soon.
