Saturday, January 15, 2011

Woven Selvages and Myra's Heart Blocks

Carol from South Dakota made a bag with woven selvages for her quilting buddy Jenny who lives in New Zealand. Carol introduced Jenny to selvage quilting a while back. Very clever weaving idea, Carol!

Take a look at My Fat Quarter to see Myra's collection of heart blocks made by quilters from all over the world. Many of them are Selvage Blog readers. You can still participate. (Click on the blue link in the sidebar.)


  1. what a great idea to weave them!, thanks,

  2. Love the woven selvedges, that is something that would be fun to do and use in different projects.


  3. What a beautiful quilt that you are making Karen. Thank you for supporting the heart blocks for Myra. It is very humbling when there are so many horrid disasters happening around the World. Myra has 5 more chemo treatments to go and we pray that she will go into remission for a very long time. Being on your own isn't easy but receiving these hearts says "you are not alone - people care".
