Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another Top is Finished

Here it is! The center block was made quickly and improvisationally, using scraps (including some tiny ones retrieved from the waste basket) with no objective in mind. Separately I was making these rows of coins (or piano keys), for a strippy style quilt. But this is what evolved instead. And I like it. It's photographed on the snow, an idea I got recently from Victoria at Bumblebeans. We're trying to add a little color to the outdoors.

The photo below shows the back side. You can see that the little triangles were sewn on top of the ecru rectangles, a quick method that gives slightly wonky results. The coins are cut at 1" x 3" (finished at 1/2" x 2 1/2.") The top measures 38"wide x 40" long.

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I'm thinking of calling this quilt "Sharp Focus" but I'm not sure. The binding will be made from ecru to keep the light, airy feeling. I'm already on to the next one, adding some prints to the mix this time. Yeah, I'm accumulating some ufo's but that's okay. No angst about that for me:)


  1. Wow, Karen - what a super cool looking quilt!! And I love that you photgraphed it on the snow!! :-) Kris

  2. This is one cheerful quilt, how fun that you made it up as you went along!
    I look forward to seeing how you quilt it.

  3. With so much snow everywhere, it is so wonderful to see these bright colors. Beatiful!

  4. Ok so great quilt love it and will have to play soon too with just solids BUT how did you make the triangles - my brain just is not sorting it out.

  5. This came out GREAT!!! Love the color scheme and the design-- and what a great way to photograph it in the snow!! The snow this winter in CT has remained beautiful white-- not yellow or dirty-- b/c we keep getting fresh stuff.

  6. Love the snow quilt photos! Spectacular solids. Will there be a solid play book by you in the future?

  7. Wonderful quilt, and photographing it on the snow is definitely thinking outside of the box.

  8. you are rocking the solids... love it!

  9. Those little triangles are amazing and add so much to this project, great job! I love it!

  10. Your colors just glow! Very good choices and it looks great in the snow.

  11. Such a striking and colorful quilt! Those snow days are paying off!

  12. It is beautiful, Karen!! You are so quick!

  13. There certainly is a blizzard of activity in your sewing room these days. I love your quilt!

  14. Goodness sakes, Karen! That's just a darling quilt! I've never cared for the look of solids, but yours is quite pretty. I have to giggle about you being able to photograph yours in on the snow. I wouldn't be able to take such a photo 'cause the quilt would blow away, and even then, you wouldn't be able to see the quilt for the blowing snow! Ahhh, winter in the Midwest.

  15. This turned out wonderful! The repetition of the triangles is perfect!

  16. So sharp and eyecatching. I love it Karen!

  17. This is a fabulous layout for this quilt - have never seen one quite like this. That's what makes blogging so much fun :) - seeing all the creativity.

  18. Karen, it's really beautiful! I'm not much of a fan of plain fabrics but in a college class for art quilts and that's all we use. I really love the way you put all these colors together and I will (from now on) keep an open mind about plain fabrics.

  19. Another fabulous quilt! Love the repeat of the triangles. The name sounds perfect. Looks like the snow has been good for quilting!

  20. Impressed by your method of making the sawtooth borders using rectangles. Clever Girl ! Wonderful quilt!

  21. Wowzer this is simply beautiful Karen! Great job and I love the snow back drop. This is totally inspiring to me!

  22. Wow, you are a seriously excellent piecing roll! This is another beautiful quilt of solids. LOVE IT!

  23. Oh, I love it even more with the added borders! Looks great!

  24. Love this many scraps! It looks fantastic!

  25. Very nice.....
    and no shortage of snow to photograph :0).
    I really like the crispness of solids...something very special about the look.

    Happy sewing

  26. what a great quilt.
    I really like the way the chaos (good chaos) in the center is then controlled. It's very interesting to look at - wonderful Karen!

  27. Absolutely fantastic!!!
    Hugs from Martina

  28. I love everything about this quilt......the freeform design, the colors, the ecru background, even the snow! Great job!!

  29. Karen, it's positively incredible! I love it, love it! Wow! Wow!

    Did you put the triangles using the "snowball" method?

  30. Karen! Gosh golly! this is what happens when you get a new studio! woohoo! Gorgeous! Maybe it's all that snow keeping you indoors! love the burst of sewing you've been doing! gorgeous! wait, did I say that already?

  31. Gorgeous! So, so happy and fun!!

  32. That is lovely and so bright and cheerful! A perfect quilt to make in the middle of winter.

  33. Karen, this quilt is so cool!! Looks like Vintage Griska to me!! Please send it my way when you get tired of it!!!!

    Stay warm,

  34. Karen that is fabulous, well done I love it

  35. Karen, this quilt is amazing-I just love it!

  36. This quilt reminds me of crayons. You know when you are a kid, coloring with your sisters, keeping all the colors nice and neat. Then as you finish up your project and look down you realize that you were enjoying the coloring so much that all the color crayons are all a mess and mixed together. Or pick-up sticks! It a very fresh and beautiful quilt!

  37. wonderful quilt. love the colors and the energy
