Saturday, February 5, 2011

Curious Irony

This quilt was auctioned on eBay a while back and I saved the photo because it's the type of improvisational quilt that really speaks to me. I love the wheel effect, the embroidered circles in the center of the wheels, the funny-shaped applique bits, and that garish "number two pencil" gold. Like cheddar, but brighter. It looks good next to black (and it doesn't say "Halloween" to me).

I think this quilt would look stunning as a wall quilt displayed with antiques. Maybe in a modern setting as well. I wouldn't want it on my bed though. It would feel alien, ikky even. Now what's with that? If you have any insight on this curious irony, please comment.

Note: See June Calender's comment. She hit the nail on the head.


  1. I am DROOLING over this quilt! What is it that makes it pop so much? The black and red and pencil yellow? Anyway, I love it!!

  2. I'm not quite sure about the "curious irony" but every time I look at that photo I am reminded of my sewing room. That says a lot about my sewing room!

  3. Oh man this is a feels like a old piece to me.....maybe that is what creeps you out....
    too antique like?
    This sure would be fun to make or use as a inspiration piece.

    thanks for sharing it with us.
    Happy Sewing

  4. Great quilt....I need to find the time to be able to do this...Silly question????? How do you cut and or where do you get your selvages...Do you cut an inch of fabriv you purchase..In need of a bit of guidance....Thanks...

  5. Yes, I can also see this working very well as a wall quilt, especially in a very modern room with uncluttered atmosphere, and I sort of see it in an antique setting too although I think that depends on a lot of factors. Something so energetic, almost frantic, would not work for me in any bedroom and i wouldn't want to sleep under it. On some level I'd be aware of the sort of emotional static in a piece like this and that would make me uncomfortable where I was trying to be serene and sleep peacefully. It sounds somewhat kookie but I think we're psychologically affected by the emotional energy in art, and I would call that quilt art.
