Sunday, February 6, 2011

Selvage Snowman Quilt by Riel Nason in Canada

Riel Nason in New Brunswick, Canada made this big snowman quilt using over 700 selvages! Even the snowflakes are made from selvages. Isn't it awesome? She has lots of close up photos (including a tutorial about making those snowflakes) on her blog: The Q and the U. Bravo!

The snowman in this photo is 20 feet tall!


  1. Oh my goodness, that is the cutest snowman I've ever seen! I mean the quilted one of course! I've seen enough real snow in the past two weeks to last a lifetime!


  2. Cute, cute, cute. I have snowman envy, but ONLY of the fabric kind!

  3. I love it, what a fun quilt and creative way to use selvedges.


  4. I am a huge fan of Riel's and it was so fun to see this snowman roll together! What an amazing use of selvages!!! WAY TO GO, Riel!!!!
