Monday, February 7, 2011

Selvage Potholder

Heather Louise of the How Do You Do This Again? blog in Colorado (you know, Lily Bear's mom) is doing a project a week in 2011, and this is her latest, a potholder that she's entering in a contest at Prudent Baby, a DIY website for crafty moms. Nice job, Heather!

Oh yeah, she also says she's developing a selvage addiction; what does she mean?


  1. I am still collecting selvages. And have not yet committed them to anything yet. But I think making a pot holder would be a fun way for me to start.

    Thanks for the inspiration! And I like the golden colored trim :)

  2. It's a fun looking selvage potholder. I too have not collected any selvages yet and I should start doing it. It looks really nice! :)

    Adin B

  3. Thank you again Karen. It was a fun project and didn't take too many selvages to create. My first "quilting block" as well.

  4. It's not an addiction. I can quit whenever I want to. (I just don't want to.)

  5. Selvage addiction? ... oh, could you mean that large bag of selvages to which I keep adding? Or maybe that I ask most everyone I know to give me their selvages? Or those afternoons when I sit down and start sewing them together for some new project and suddenly it's dinner time? Or those pleasant minutes -- hours? -- when I decide to neaten the spaghetti-like collection by winding the long selvages around my fingers into little balls? You call that an addiction?

  6. I have been so inspired by your use of selvages and make it a goal to have a cheeky addition to each of my quilts now if not more...Such a fun potholder! And I love your Kaffe fortune cookie admonition!!!!!

  7. I'm totally confused as to what she could mean (casually sliding 8 gallon tucker tote of selvages under table) no idea at all.
