Friday, February 18, 2011

Dr. Seuss Fabric Giveaway

What novelty scrap quilt couldn't use some Dr. Seuss characters? Again, I just wanted fat quarters but had to buy the minimum half-yard cut, so I'm sharing the other half in a random giveaway. Just leave a comment and you may be the lucky winner.

Just so you know, that yellow background is bright school bus yellow! Btw, do you like green eggs and ham?

The winner is Nancy in PA of the Patchwork Penguin blog.
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  1. We love green eggs and ham at our house. My son's name is Sam (I am)!

  2. Love that little grandson loves to run around with pillowcase bags for his toys.....would make a darling baby pillowcase AKA bag.


  3. I'm starting to collect prints for another I Spy quilt for my grand daughter...this would be a great addition!!

  4. wow! another giveaway! count me in!

  5. I'm in the middle of making an 'I spy" quilt and this fab would fit in just right.

  6. We are huge Dr. Suess fans around here. What a very fun giveaway.

  7. Wow, i bought a half yard of one of the new prints, they are super cute!

  8. un altro giveaway!!!!spero sdtavolta di vincere!! ciaoo

  9. They would be an amazing range to win. Thanks for the chance
    Chris x

  10. What a wonderful give-away! Just found out that my 1st grader's teacher is a HUGE Seuss fan - gonna have to get some of this fabric one way or another!

  11. You bet we love green eggs and ham! My grandson just loves it when I read Dr. Suess to him. Thanks for the opportunity, terri in bc

  12. I would love to win that fabulous fabric to make something for my Great Granddaughter.
    Thanks for the chance.

  13. Really neat fabric. I can picture it as a wall hanging :)

  14. Great giveaway. I like green eggs and ham, but my favourite is Duck Feet.

  15. This is fantastic. We would love to have this fabric to make a comfort quilt for a sick child. We don't have access to this type of fabric where we live.
    Thanks, Etty
    from the Quilting Corner

  16. Ooh, wat a wonderful fabric! Count me in please!

  17. We're so lucky that you are continually being forced to buy extra fabric!!!!!

  18. I like it, like it, Sam I am! Thanks for chance!

  19. I have been wanting some of this fabric. Thanks for the chance.

  20. I just passed by this fabric the other day. I have a friend who is still teaching. I could use this to make something for her classroom.

  21. Ooooh, I would love this (as would my kids). Thanks for the chance.

  22. Dr. Seuss taught me to read. I love that guy!

  23. We love green eggs and ham! This would be perfect for working into a nap quilt for my granddaughter!

  24. Of course, I like green eggs and ham, Sam I am. My oldest son is 43 and I read that book to him so many times when he was little I can still recite most of it. When they make the Green Eggs and Ham fabric He will definitely get a quilt from it.

  25. My husband likes them on a train but my daughter prefers them on a plane...

  26. Pick me, pick me! Cute fabric for I Spy quilts.

  27. I'd love some Dr. Seuss fabric. Thanks!

  28. When I was about 12 a friend and I made green scrambled eggs. We couldn't eat them! (But I love the books and the fabric.)

  29. I would love this for my yellow and red quilt I have been collection fabric for.

  30. I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam I Am. I love Dr. Seuss and Cat in the Hat. Mr. Creations has a Cat in the Hat outfit for Halloween and we call our kids Thing 1 and Thing 2.

  31. My boys love the Dr Seuss books so please allow me to enter this great giveaway! Thank you.

  32. Fabulous fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish... Love Dr. Seuss

  34. Oh, I love green eggs and ham. I am wanting to make a quilt and it uses a lot of school bus color yellow fabric, this would be a great help and addition!! Thanks for the chance.

  35. oooh, I'm into making children's storybook quilts lately.....this fabric would be a really FUN one. Thanks for the chance at it.

  36. Wonderful fabric! Love Dr. Seuss! Thanks for the chance!

  37. so classic and inspiring- i love dr seuss
    anashct [at] yahoo [dot] com

  38. How cute is that fabric!! Would love to make a doll dress out of it!

  39. Thanks for giving this away! I have a few pieces and am trying to arrange them into a quilt. These would help out a bunch!!!

  40. Oooo, these are even better than the Mickey Mouse, Karen! Have a great weekend.

  41. Sam I am! Would love some Dr Seuss to make me smile!

  42. I love green eggs and ham when DH makes them. He scrambles eggs with bits of ham and broccoli and serves it with cilantro on top. Tastes great and it's healthy.

    Thanks for this delish giveaway!

  43. My Sam I am loves - Cat in the Hat! on CD. School bus yellow is the perfect shade of yellow. Thanks for the chance.

  44. I found that Cat in the Hat fabric in the remnant pile at Hancock's of Paducah last week. I made a pillowcase with it (with a red cuff, also a remnant--gotta love that place) to be donated to the One Million Pillowcase project being run by Better Homes & Gardens quilting group. Pillowcases are such a fun, quick project, and I end up with some selvages when I'm done.
    Linda in Paducah

  45. Love Dr. Seuss. Great giveaway --- count me in !!

  46. Very nice of you to do the give away! We love reading Green Eggs and Ham at our house. My four year old gets in on it and has a lot of the lines memorized, so he reads along with me.

  47. I am planning a Dr. Suess quilt and would love to add some new fabrics to the quilt!

  48. I love Dr. Seuss! And it almost his birthday. Thanks for a grat give away opportunity.

  49. Dr. Seuss has always been a favorite with me, my children and now my grandson.

  50. I will eat them in a house and I will eat them with a mouse. I will eat them on a train and I will eat them in the rain.

    What a super giveaway!!! thanks so much!

  51. Those are so cute. Can't you imagine a fabric postcard with a character or two on it, and then sent to your fav little one.

  52. Love this fabric & love green eggs & spam!

  53. I'd love some Dr. Seuss fabric. I've never had green eggs! But I do love eggs & ham.

  54. WE love green eggs and ham - and are watching the cat in the hat cartoon at the moment!!

  55. Love Dr S. and your blog! Thanks for wanting to share this fabric.

  56. What a lovely giveaway. I have a couple of the other Dr. Seuss prints and these would be great additions to a planned baby quilt. Thank you!

  57. With all of the baby quilts I make, I would love to have these novelties. We all love green eggs and ham here!! Our eggs come from our kids who raise chickens that lay green eggs.

  58. oh my this would be wonderful! I have been drooling over some Dr Seuss fabric since it came out!!

  59. Oh, this is perfect for the baby quilt I will be making for my neighbor! She isn't finding out what she's having so have to make it. Love Dr. Seuss since I was little! Just my favorite. Nothing else to say!

  60. Ha! I could not - absolutely could not pass this up. I will become a first time grandmother at the end of
    April and Dr. Seuss fabric would be a hoot to work with.

  61. Would love the Dr.Got How Grinch Stole Christmas for my 24 year old son this Christmas. We still have the Dr.Suess books at our house.

  62. Oh goodness how many times did we read that book to our kids?
    I think I can still recite it and my kids are in their 30's!

    Happy Sewing

  63. I do like Green Eggs and Ham! And my nephews would love it if I could make something with this fabric for them.

  64. I have always loved Dr. Seuss, and my husband is Sam. Not so sure about green eggs and ham. kathie L in Allentown

  65. We are more of a Lorax family...I have a Dr. Suess UFO that need some added material. Thank you for the giveaway!

  66. Dr. Seuss was one of our favorite authors when our kids were little! If I won, I'd use the fabric in an I Spy quilt.

  67. We all love green eggs and ham here too! My sis is kindergarten teacher and a Dr. Seuss collector. I'd love to make her something out of this.

  68. I could quilt these into a coat,
    I could quilt these with a goat.
    I do so like green eggs and ham,
    I do so like them, yes Ma'ame!

    Thank you for sharing your extras, thank you for a chance to win!!!

  69. Love Dr. Seuss! Thanks for a chance to win

  70. What a generous giveaway! I have been planning quilts for a couple of babies that have been born recently and one of them has a Dad who LOVES Dr. Seuss, so I was thinking along those lines for this baby's quilt. And I do love green eggs and ham! Karin

  71. Love the fabric. It would be lovely in a child's I Spy quilt.

  72. Would love to win these for my little girl! :)

    Good luck to all and thanks for sharing!

  73. I've only got a few scraps of Dr. Seuss and would love some fat qtrs. to go along with them. So yes, we love green eggs and ham.
    Brings back so many memories!

  74. I've loved Dr. Seuss since I was a kid. Ive also been more of a fan of classic animation as apposed to the live action films. I think dr. seuss would be awesome on the hexagon quilt Im working on

  75. I have been wanting Dr. Seuss fabric since BEFORE it came out! My husband thinks I don't need it but I do!;) Anyway I read the book to my children at least twice a day! A pillow or two would be nice out of these fabrics!

  76. love the fabric! not so much green eggs and ham!

  77. I love the Suess fabrics. We're just reading all the Suess books (again!) so this would be great for making a small quilt or pillow for my girls!

  78. Did you know that 'Dr Seuss' picked the 220 most frequently used words in the English language rhymed them and used them in his books.

    The really odd thing is just how fun he made learning to read!

  79. The great thing about all these comments is that I looked at all your wonderful projects down the side of your blog that I've somehow missed! So. Cool!! And yes, I love green eggs and ham. My mom made it for us every St. Patty's Day and now I do it for my boys.

  80. My 4 grandkids love green eggs and ham! Love the fabric give a way!

  81. Green eggs and ham my fave! lovely giveaway!

  82. Very cute fabric! Thanks for the giveaway!

  83. I love this book series and would love to make a quilt for my nephew with this...soooo cute. Thank you for the give away.

  84. Love 'em. It would be fun to incorporate into my next quilt!

  85. I love this fabric, but haven't been able to fit it into my budget. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  86. How cute! Thanks for the chance!


  87. I love green eggs and ham and I love this fabric.

  88. I hope they come out with more great fabrics!!
    Are you my Mother?

  89. Love the fabric. It could be part of something great for my granddaughter. Thanks!

  90. yes I love green eggs and ham! my son loved his books. so do I.

  91. I've always been a fan of Dr. Seuss! My granddaughters are now discovering his wonderful books. I'd love to win this fabric. Thanks for the giveaway.

  92. I do! I do like green eggs and ham! Especially when it's on yummy fabric! Thanks for the chance to win!

  93. thanks for making me smile. I was just thinking about Star Bellied Sneetches the other day.

  94. Yes I do, I do like green eggs and ham, Sam I Am.

  95. I LOVE green eggs and ham!!! And Dr. Suess.....and this fabric. Thanks! :-) joleehamlin [at] comcast [dot] net

  96. I love Dr. Seuss and would love to use it for a charity quilt.


  97. I love Green Eggs and Ham, and Things 1 & 2! Every time I see this fabric online I really want it but have been trying to convince myself to Finish Something FIrst. My mom has serious eyesight problems and my brother got her a Kindle so she could read large print books. I would use this fabric to make her a happy little case for it, and use whatever is left in a book bag for my daughter. Thanks!

  98. Dr. Seuss is the best... thanks!

  99. yes please. Who doesn't love dr. seuss?

  100. Wow already up into the hundreds!
    Memories of my first book I ever read alone.

  101. I have three grandchildren - this would be perfect for them! Thank you for the chance to win!

  102. They would be cute in an I Spy quilt!

  103. How fun!!! I love Suessy fabrics!!!

  104. So cute!! These are great- Dr. Seuss is amazing!

  105. I love dr seuss and green eggs and ham!!

  106. “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
    a Seuss quote I use with my middle school Special Ed students.
    ANOTHER I spy quilter here! Grandson would be gleeful with this addition to his q-i-p!

  107. No Green eggs and ham, Sam I am. But I would love the fabric!!!

  108. OMG! I absolutely LOVE Dr those books over and over and over to my kids. My eldest son's favourite was titled..
    Put me in the Zoo :-)

    If breakfast consists of ham and eggs in a lovely shade of green...I believe I'd take a pass

  109. Perfect for making a bag for one of my grandnieces. I loved reading Dr. Seuss with my cousins when a kid. Thanks for sharing with your readers.

  110. I do, I do. I like green eggs and ham.

  111. Love green eggs and ham and anything Dr.Seuss!

  112. I learned how to read on these Dr Seuss books. I love them all.

  113. WOW - one more giveaway - my daugther love cats - they would fit perfect in the quilt I am making for her.

  114. Yes, I like green eggs and ham, if it comes with free fabric!!!

  115. I love this fabric. I have just the project for them.

  116. What a fun giveaway...and I promise not to cut my "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb" if I win :o) !!!

  117. What a fun giveaway! Love green eggs and ham, just don't mess with my coffee!!

  118. Love this fabric. Would make a perfect block for my quilt "in progress"!

  119. Would love to win these. I have a project in mind and I have one or 2 of the companions

  120. Oh boy, I have had a hankering for some Dr. Seuss because my granddaughter loves every one of those books and we read them ALL the time! Thanks P.S. I love your blog!

  121. So cute! I saw this line of fabric in my LQS and immediately wondered what I could make with it.

  122. I'd love to win this,
    yes I would!
    I'd go and buy some
    If I could.
    If I should win this fabric stash
    Hubby will think I'd spent some cash.
    But he will have a great big grin
    If I'm so lucky as to win!

    Sorry, bad poetry....

  123. Oh you are lucky. I have seen that fabric many times on American sites but the ones I've seen say they aren't allowed to sell it internationally ! Talk about mad I mean what about the money they are missing from us international fans!

    I'm in the UK just in case someone knows somewhere I can get it cos my boys would love it!
