Saturday, February 19, 2011

Selvage Hearts from Club Aloha

Club Aloha from California has an Etsy shop with beautiful handmade quilts and fabric items including these tea towels embellished with machine appliquéd selvage hearts. You can see two towels in the photo above. She'll even customize the hearts with colors to go with your kitchen. Aren't they pretty? I like all the dots. Take a look at the artistic fabric choices in this stunning quilt. So much creativity out there!


  1. Hi Karen and your readers
    They are gorgeous hearts and selveges have amazing words at times. Just letting you Know that Myra has just completed her 3rd session of chemo. Before this treatment her cancer markers were down to 53 (120 before treatment 1). So she is over the moon and I am thrilled. We are both so grateful to all the lovely quilters who have sent her heart blocks and their best wishes and prayers. It's all working!! 3 more to go!! Love from Karen and Myra in New Zealand

  2. They are cute little hearts!! Perfect for February, the month of love. Love the quilt too!

  3. I've seen those before. They were part of an AWESOME recent Etsy treasury featuring all selvage items (including a few of my own!)

  4. That is a neat idea, great for adding to the back of a quilt too as a tag.


  5. I've love to get your post updates via e-mail, but I don't see that option on your blog. Can you make that happen? I'm not computer-savvy, but I want to say it has to be done via FeedBurner. Does that ring any bells with you? Me and GFC don't "click" - maybe I just haven't figured out all the "bells" and "whisles" for it, but the e-mail update works much better for me. Thanks! dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  6. I, too, would like toknow how to get your updates or even notified of a blog update by email?
