Monday, April 18, 2011

Red and White Pieced Quilts - Part 4

This zig-zag (above and below) reminds me of the designs you often see in Navajo rugs. Today I'm flying to LasVegas and meeting up with my husband and we're going to the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley in Arizona for a week. Can't wait. I'm bringing red and white applique to do in the car. I'm going to make a ton of "berries" using the yoyo method.

Look at the outer edge of this bow tie quilt (above). What a nice touch!

I peeked behind this quilt to see if there was more written there, but it was plain muslin. These are all hexagons. I wonder why all the "N's" are backwards. Another quilt with a nice edge. It would be nice to sleep under this quilt, wrapped in prayer for God's will to be done.

Red snowballs on white, an interesting concept. There were several quilts with circles like this one. I like this photo because you can see the circular arrangement of the quilts, and feel what the room was like.

LeeAnn in Seattle, this last photo is for you! Want to see LeeAnn's eyelash quilt? Here it is.


  1. The last of the beautiful show! Thanks Karen. Have fun in AZ. I'm interested in the observation point they put at the Grand Canyon. Manmade thingy that sticks out and looks so unnatural. Supposed to attract more visitors. So unnecessary. The Grand Canyon is amazing.

  2. We can't blame the Nat. Park Service for the skywalk. It is on the Indian reservation and not in the park. I love both Grand Canyon and Monument Valley. Be sure to go into the Navaho Tribal Park and take the 17 mile drive into Monument Valley. Go first thing in the morning to beat the tour bus rush. We have done it twice in the early morning and had the Valley almost to ourselves - incredible views.
    Thanks for the red/white quilt pictures. I have really enjoyed them.

  3. Hi Karen, I'm so enjoying seeing these quilts close up. And I LOVE the red and white "eyelashes." Thank you!! A good smile on a Monday morning.

  4. Karen, you have so many lovely photos. Do you have any plans for them?

  5. You have blown us away again, Karen! Thank you!

    I don't know if I read it on your site or not but others might like to see the photos taken by those who designed and installed the whole Red and White show. Click on ABOUT OUR WORK

    They have photos that Karen would not have been able to get. Incredible!
