Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Red and White Pieced Quilts - Part 5

I think the simple quilt above is curiously charming. It reminds me of a Tetris game.

The crowd was drawn to this retro style toy airplane quilt. It's such a classic.

Wow, this quilt would be quite a challenge to piece! The hand quilting is outstanding too. 

I call this the pretzel quilt. And look at all that echo quilting. Nice!

I guess the maker of this pineapple quilt still had a lot of strips when it came time for a border! Makes for a quilt with big impact.

Another quilt with a beautiful edge. Nice fan quilting and a tiny binding. Wow!

A double-masted sailing ship. No wonder they called this exhibit "Infinite Variety!"
Tomorrow we'll look at the stars quilts. You'll love 'em.


  1. Still enjoying the tour - it's like having my own guide! Can't wait for the stars!

  2. Every time I look at these beauties I think about the people who made them, who were they, where did the live, were they happy content people? just makes me wonder.

  3. So many interesting designs. I love the pretzel quilt.

  4. Loving your photos from the red-and-white quilt exhibit-- they just keep coming!! Also saw some of your beautiful quilt projects on Jackie's Canton Village Quilt Works (Mod Conn quilters) post the other day-- just beautiful!! You are so inspiring!

  5. I love the airplane quilt. These quilts are so amazing. What a wonderful collection.

  6. What a vision, it is such a remarkable collection and so beautifully presented. I feel so lucky to see all your photos, it is very addictive, looking at red and white quilts, and when i did try to buy some red fabric recently, there was none to be found, so I guess we'll be seeing more red and white quilts.
    Just amazing, and your photos are really well done,
    thanks so much for sharing them.
