Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Red and Whites with Gorgeous Quilting

I'm in awe of the artistry and fine craftsmanship represented here. Although there were many people viewing the quilts, it was quiet in the room. Others have mentioned this too. This event was a highlight of my quilting life. I don't know how to put it into words.


  1. You don't need to put it into words, it speaks for its own. Thank you for showing, I would never see this otherwise.

  2. Wow, I'm speechless when I look at posts about this exhibit - it is no surprise the hall was quiet. Remarkable.

  3. The quilting on this is incredible! Thanks for sharing--it's a wonderful treat to be able to "see" these quilts.

  4. Once again, thank you, very moving and thought provoking.

  5. Great photos of the amzing quilting. I agree- a highlight of my quilting life too!

  6. Spectacular quilting. A gorgeous display of amazing skill.

  7. I think you just DID find the right words - good to see closeups of the quilts as I didn't get to go. Amazing!

  8. I've been on a high ever since seeing that exhibit -- I hope the feeling never goes away. And yes, I noticed how quiet it was even though there were tons of people in there.

  9. Breathtaking! I imagine it was something like a visual symphony where it would be impolite to disrupt the moment with a lot of chatter.

  10. Oh the one with the curvy lines is, so far, my favorite of all you've shown. Thank you for posting all these lovely quilts.

  11. It looks like the piecing design was almost secondary in their efforts. The quilting is so beautiful! Maybe this show will inspire more of that in modern days.

  12. Wow!!! Those are amazing pieces of art.

  13. I could almost be speechless...but a WOW managed to escape out!!

    I love to see the quilting up close 'cause I'm a hand quilting kind of gal!!!

  14. I just learned one thing that I had never thought of before, if my quilting curves are not smooth and the lines are not exactly straight, one it's washed they won't be noticed! Thank you, I will now have much more confidence.

    I am in awe of those beautiful quilts, thank you so much for showing us.

  15. Amazing...I am so sad I missed it...sadder each time I see and hear about this event...I only live 7 hours from NYC and have a friend not to far from the city I could have stayed with, if only I'd known...

  16. I just love the quilting on that one.
    Something i hope to achieve someday.

