Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Red and White Trees and My Mom

A red and white Tree of Life quilt is such a classic, and this exhibit had some wonderful examples. The quilt in the photo above was displayed near the entrance just above the gift shop area. I'm glad you can see the beautiful quilting.
Wowzers - look at all the triangles in the 36 trees above! Each tree has 36 triangles in the foliage which makes 1,296 triangles! But who's counting?

Well, okay, the quilt below is a grape basket I think, not a tree. But it's similar.

You almost lose sight of the trees in the setting below. The trunks dominate the design making big X's, but the overall effect is stunning anyway. And you get a huge variable star in the middle of the quilt. This is one of my favorites.

And here's my Mom, below. She and I had such a good day visiting the exhibit and having lunch there too. Mom likes modern geometric designs and this was one of her favorites. Yikes, I hope she doesn't ask me to make one like this for her!

Yup, more red and whites tomorrow. Are you getting tired of red and whites?


  1. So fun to see your pics from the show. Some of these I remember and some of them I must have not noticed, like the puffy one you posted last.

    What a show it was, right?

  2. How could you ever get sick of red and white quilts?

  3. NO, we're not getting sick of this feast for the eyes! If you have more photos, I think your public would love to see them.

  4. NO! We're not getting tired of red and white! They're so beautiful!

  5. Your mom and I have similar taste -- I really liked that one, too!

  6. Me, too. I want to meet your other mom. We have a lot in common. I loved the geometrics!
