Monday, April 11, 2011

Red and White Quilt With Stuffed Work

This small quilt is loaded with dense quilting and puffy stuffed work. I'd love to know the story behind this quilt. Do the shapes represent something or are they abstract? Was she thinking about Hawaiian quilts? Wouldn't she love to see it in this exhibit!


  1. Thank you Karen, I am really enjoying your posts about these Red And White beauties...yes this one does look Hawaiian, but also somewhat alien, or ancient cave quilt, if such a thing excised!

  2. Hawaiian quilting immediately popped into my head when I saw this beauty.

  3. I loved this quilt! maybe it was a child who made the quilt , so many quilts I would love to know the stories behind...
    the dense quilting was interesting don't you think?

  4. I am loving these photos of the red and white quilts! Thank you so much for sharing them with those of us who weren't able to see the exhibit.

  5. Thank you, Karen, for visiting the show, taking all of those wonderful photos and sharing them with us, it is such a treat to see them!

  6. l heard someone say that its was the middle of a much larger quilt. Don't know if this is true or not. But its a beautiful piece as it is. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  7. I saw another blog showing stuffed work, really love the look. Something I will have to try.

