Friday, April 1, 2011

This is What it Looked Like

This photo was taken by Barb Vedder of NJ at the red and white quilt exhibit "Infinite Variety"
in NYC recently. This is what it looked like when you first entered the room. Later this month I'll show you my photos.

I hope you won't be sick of red and whites by then. Haha, just a little April Fool's humor.


  1. I so wish I was there with you! Everything looks just gorgeous on the blogs!

  2. This photo is so fantastical, like you are entering a timeless alternate universe. The way the quilts were displayed was so ingenious, although quilters would have liked to see each one up close. Do you think a lot of people will now be inspired to make red and white quilts? Bonnie

  3. Well I sure am inspired to make another red and white. Looking at all those quilts, you just can't help getting ideas that have to be tried. I bet we'll be seeing a lot of new red and whites.

  4. I am infintiely envious of anyone who saw this exhibit. Every photo I see is awesome!!!

  5. I am never EVER sick of red! That is the neatest quilt picture I have ever seen, I can't wait to see more!

  6. All I can say is WOW! Red is my favorite color and I would have been in heaven with all of that red and white to delight the eye. Can't wait to see more.

  7. Oh how I wish I would have been any where near NYC last week. Thank you for sharing since I was stuck in CO.

  8. I heard about this incredibly unique display set up. It's unbelievable, really. What a concept!!
