Monday, May 23, 2011

David's Quilt

This wall quilt is brand new; I just finished the binding and the sleeve a few minutes ago.

The colors are golds and browns (hand dyed and very soft). I put some improvisational blocks in a bag with some solid squares, then took them out without looking and "let the chips fall where they may." No planning went into the arrangement of the rows either. I let randomness play a role in the design process. The squares are 3.5" This quilt is a gift to my son David. He says he likes it a lot. That was fun.

Do you sometimes let randomness play in your quilt room?


  1. No pix would show from this entry only

  2. Yes, no pictures - just a red x.

  3. Hi Karen,
    what a beautiful quilt - lucky David ;-) Yes, sometimes, I let random play in my quilts!
    Hugs, Martina

  4. That's a very nice quilt. I like your quilting also. Randomness plays a big part in my color selection with scrappy quilts, but sometimes I have to add my two cents worth!

  5. Simply wonderful! The quilting, the squares, the colours, the blocks... all so perfect!

  6. Random is always at play in my studio.

    I only look at the 2 blocks in my hand & try not to sew "the" 2 blue ones together...

  7. love doing random ~ made different blocks and then cut them up and sewed them back together for a quilt I made. It turned out great!
    Lucky David!

  8. Beautiful!
    Randomness is great fun!

  9. I need to "let my hair down!" Love the randomness. Lucky David.

  10. I wish I could say yes, but I'm way too uptight! I want to get there, though. I hope as my kids get older and need less guidance, I will be able to 'let go' more in my creative work as well.

  11. A WONDERFUL quilt! It gives me a good idea for something to make for my son. I do love to let randomness into my quilting. Have you seen the discussion on randomness at Very thought-provoking.

  12. I can see why he loves this quilt! Gorgeous.

  13. Me and Random? It is so hard, perhaps because I am a "Libra", sign of the scales and need things balanced and ordered! That's my excuse anyway.

  14. I really love this quilt, simple but beautiful.


  15. What a earthy organic quilt. I love the wavy quilty lines and the very small shapes! I just love the one of a kind nature of it. Glad your son appreciates it. I love randomness, but don't always take advantage of it. When I do, I am usually quite happy!

  16. Very nice, Karen! My son wants a "brown quilt". I may just have to try something like that. Recently I've been just stitching my scraps together, however they come out of the box. That's pretty random. I am "making fabric" that I'll cut into blocks to sew together. I am a firm believer that all colors go together.

  17. I like random squares, but I love those added pieced squares also at random. Nice wavy quilting, too. A really great "Guy" quilt!

  18. Lovely quilt...nicely masculine.
    Randomness? No, not enough, I wonder if I would enjoy quilting more if I did?

    Happy sewing

  19. Love it. Great idea, especially the random pieced blocks. Thanks for sharing this.

  20. What a beautiful quilt! Simply wonderful!

    Silver MLM
