Saturday, June 4, 2011

I'm Back from Niagara Falls

I can still hear the roar of the falls when I see these photos. Such a beautiful place. After our recent visit to the desert it felt good to see all this water.
Good to be home too. I'll show you my quilt projects soon. I hope you are all well.

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  1. Isn't Niagara amazing? We took our family there on our way to a wedding in Canada. It was the last family vacation we had together. I had been there when I was 6 or 7, but this time I really appreciated the Falls.

  2. Beautiful Photos, one day I may get there

  3. Niagara Falls is one of my favorite places. I went to college in Rochester, so it was an easy day trip to walk the trails above and below the falls. We didn't take our kids there until we were sure they could appreciate how dangerous it is. We stopped on our way to Canada, too! We went to Toronto for Red Sox- Jays games.

  4. Beautiful photos! I have never been there, but hope to go one day.

  5. Oh, that first picture takes my breath away!!

  6. Niagara Falls is on my Bucket List.

  7. We went there about 10 years ago. It is a beautiful place, and my kids loved it. My MIL has never been, and we want to take her there soon.

  8. I have never been, but I do believe this time of the year, water seems to be soothing to all our souls!

  9. When my son was in school in Buffalo, NY we use to go all the time. It's even beautiful in the winter with ice at the foot of the falls. Welcome Home and Happy Sewing

  10. Niagara is one of those places you just have to see in person to appreciate. Kinda like the Grand Canyon. Pictures just don't do them justice. Awesome sights for sure!


  11. What gorgeous photos! Thank you so much, Karen!

  12. Beautiful photos of the falls, I love waterfalls and the sound.


  13. Ohhh! My husband and I are planning to visit Niagara later this summer. Thanks for sharing you great gets me excited about visiting!

  14. The last time I was at Niagara Falls was back in the late 80s, but the sound (roar) of the water is still fresh in my mind. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing and bringing back a great memory!

  15. Fantastic photos! Thank you very much for sharing!

    Best wishes,

  16. I have had the thrill of seeing the Falls from the Canada side! they are amazing! Pure wonder of the world!
