Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tracks Quilt

Have a seat in my quilt room while I show you what I'm up to. Iced tea? Cookies?

This is my current quilt project, the Tracks quilt. I cut up a big collection of dark and light prints, approximately 3.5" x 2-2.5." I sewed strips of all lights, all darks, and dark-light-dark-light. (The strips were trimmed to 3" wide.) Then I sewed 5 strips together: dark in the middle with a dark-light on either side, then a light strip on either side, as you can easily see in the photos :) You can see some of the great novelty prints above. In the top photo, see the big red tomato on the far right. Below see my worktable covered with darks and lights. It looks like there's enough to make another dark-light quilt! And you'll notice some new yardage ready to be cut up too, mostly light florals. Thanks for visiting. Hugs to you.


  1. Una colcha preciosa y una gran explicación. La guardo para hacerla más adelante.

  2. Love your quilt-- the overall effect and the details of the novelty prints. Awesome!! And you have an ideal sewing area set up, too. (And its so neat!!) Thanks for sharing and a hug back to you!

  3. Eye catching! Your work table is so neat and organized.

  4. Looking good! I love the novelties ... the glasses are cool and I like the piece that looks like a map, and the buttons ... etc. ...

  5. What a fun quilt. Great fabrics. The name is so perfect. Once we went to Sleeping Bear Dunes State Park for a walk. It was early in the morning and we saw little tracks in the sand that looked like zippers...naturally they were made by zipper bugs. To me this looks exactly like those tracks.

  6. Thanks for the offer of refreshments. I'll take a strawberry daiquiri please. And I love your quilt!

  7. Beautiful quilt! I love your play with darks and lights. Very inspiring!

  8. Very cool! My stash is seriously lacking in lights and darks. I have a whole lot of mediums.

  9. I love this!! So simple but it has a great visual effect of complexity :)

    Now...why haven't I thought about doing this??

  10. What a great idea! I've got lots of scraps to use up and will probably try one of these.

  11. What an awasome way to enjoy all of your scraps! Love it!

  12. Thanks, I'll take a seat and a cookie, my coffee cup is full of hot breakfast blend.
    IT's going to be hard for me to concentrate on anything you're saying - - I am so amazed at your organizational skills exhibited with your so very neat stacks of pieces.
    Oh, what were you saying . . .

  13. This is very cool Karen, did you make this up? I'll take a martini please.......hold the cookies.

    Happy Sewing

  14. Really fun - it looks kind of like zippers to me!

  15. Welcome back, Karen! I missed your daily posts.

  16. This is such a great idea for a scrap quilt. How big will it grow?

  17. Did you come up with this design on your own? It's a wonderful use of scraps! But I can see it would be very time-consuming and tedious. Still, definitely worth it, I think. It's a gorgeous quilt. Great work!

  18. OOOO....this is one of those quilt tops that one can look at for hours picking out all the different fabrics!! I love it!! You inspire me!
    Deb from

  19. Interesting twist on a postage stamp type quilt. I am working on one called Tokyo Subway Quilt that has 1.5" finished squares. There are 25 blocks which each have 64 of those lil squares... it may be the death of me. However, YOU are da woman! :D
