Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Grand Canyon

My husband and I spent a few days at the Grand Canyon recently. It was breath-taking. These photos were taken from one of the viewpoints on the South Rim. We stayed in a cabin right on the rim. We didn't hike down into the canyon this time like we have in the past. That is a strenuous but amazing hike.

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  1. Isn't it awesome? I have been there 5 times and love it.

  2. I wish I could be there! Totaly awesome landscape!

  3. That looks like another world! So far away from wee New Zealand.

  4. The Grand Canyon is certainly amazing. Hot, dry, dusty, stark but beautiful.

  5. Gorgeous! You took some beautiful photos. I'm so glad you had a chance for a get-away. Running from those bears, perhaps!?

  6. I love the Grand Canyon ~ and your photos are really lovely! I haven't been there for a long time, really good memories being there.

  7. Gorgeous!!!! What a fabulous view!

  8. I was wondering how your trip was...it is just breath taking isn't it? We have friends who live in Switzerland and were so impressed with the grand canyon they have come back a few times to see more of it.

    I hope I get to go again to see one of our countries natural wonders.

    Happy Sewing

  9. Wow! This is amazing to see. I haven't been there yet, but it's definitely on the list.

  10. Beautiful photos! This in on my "bucket list" so I would really love to go there.

  11. Beautiful photos, that is a place I would like to go someday.

