Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Paths Top is Done

This top went together pretty fast. The process is addictive. Quickly choosing the next fabric to add to the strip helps me overcome my tendency to "overthink," keeping the design fresher and more interesting. I love these narrow black print stripes. Without them the top might look mushy. Now I'm making a spider web with the leftover rectanagles. This is so much fun!

I couldn't resist showing you another few close-ups. I like how one of you called this an "I Spy" for grown ups. Too bad the sheep above lost it's face. At least the sock monkey is all there.

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  1. It is gorgeous!! Love it!! See you in a little while!

  2. That is such an interesting quilt! I love the eye spy for adults concept.

  3. Love it! Such fun and those narrow black strips are perfect. It looks quite sizable.

  4. Did you fussy cut?
    Love how the black strip gives it a huge punch of contrast and structure. So many little time :0)

    Happy Sewing

  5. You will have to write an "I Spy" poem to go with it--a great game to play at a quilting retreat, guild meeting or quilt show.

  6. I love it Karen! Always on the lookout for good scrap quilts--probably 'cause I started out as a seamstress. :-) Anyway, this one is def going in the file of things I want to make. Thank you!

  7. I like it - the black is perfect to set off the rest of the wonderful fabrics.

  8. Great way to use up scraps and yes the little black lines make a big difference! Well done!

  9. Just love it, and the black floral is perfect. Another winner!

  10. I just went to Keepsake Quilting in NH yesterday and bought a bunch of pre-cut blocks in all different colors in the Outlet room, this is a great way to use them, and there is no matching. Whoooo-HOOOO!!! Mary in Massachusetts!

  11. I love it! What size is each scrap piece?

  12. I love this. Such a great way to use up some fabric.

  13. The black strips are a nice touch---this is a great quilt!

  14. What a wonderful tapestry of fabrics you have put together.

  15. are going to have to tell us how you made this. Do I smell a tutorial?!!
    Deb from

  16. This is a great quilt. I like the dark sashing, sets off the blocks really well!
