Thursday, June 9, 2011

We are off to Cape Cod

We are leaving this morning for Cape Cod, and we're going all the way to the tippity top, to Provincetown. My DH and I are just staying for one night, but it'll be fun. We want to walk along the beach, and check out the little artsy shops in town. I'll get some photos to show you. (If you're unfamiliar with this part of the world, that's Boston in the upper left part of the map.) Hello to June and Judy and all the other quilters on the Cape! I'll wave to you from Rt. 6.

Correction: Oops, that's Plymouth in the upper left, not Boston. Boston is a little bit north.


  1. Sounds like lots of fun. The pictures would be wonderful, I have never been to that part of the country but would love to go someday.

  2. Gee, Karen, after two totally perfect June days you chose one with rain and thunder storms. I hope you can dash in and out of those darling shops between the rainfall. And next trip there are a couple of really great quilt shops you might want to stop at.

  3. I love the Cape!! It has been so many, many moons, but there is a beach at the tip of P-Town that is all made of rocks of hundreds of colors, tumbled by the sea...Be sure & go! <3

  4. Just for fun, I went to Mapquest to see how far that is from where I live, it's about 3100 miles by car. I won't be getting to see it for myself so I will look forward to seeing your photos. Have fun!

  5. I hope you have a wonderful time! But I know that you will, such a wonderful place to be.

  6. My family spent a day on Nantucket when we were at Cape Cod. It was a wonderful day spent touring the island and the town. I loved all of the names of the cottages and homes.

  7. Have a wonderful time. I haven't been to the cape in ages.


  8. hiyall,
    hope you had a good time in P'town. Mother and my sister live there. Mother is the 6 ft gypsey bagwoman who hangs in front of townhall on her motorscooter and plays the autoharp. Did ya bring us back a loaf of poragee bread? huh?huh?huh? (mauh) Liz

  9. My family has been on Cape Cod all week and we leave in the morning. Went to Provincetown to ride the bike trail out there a couple of days ago. And I even found the quilt shop in West Barnstable. Lovely place to be and we had great weather! Hope you enjoyed your visit!
