Friday, August 19, 2011

Cape Cod Charm

My DH and I spent a few days in Privincetown (at the tippity-top of Cape Cod, MA) visiting with his brothers and their wives.

I've never seen a flower with fancy yellow stamens (?) like these. It's like a flower with flowers in it.
Aren't these beautiful? Such perfection in shape and color.
The photo below must have been taken at low tide. I'm glad to say I didn't see any green water. This is just the tip of the Cape (not the whole thing). We stayed on the water right in the middle of this photo. (Image from

Isn't this a charming cottage? It's on the southern end of Commerical Street, the busy street in the center of town. It's representative of the architecture in the area.

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  1. The Cape is my favorite place in the world! We stay in a lovely B&B in West Harwich. I'd love to be there right now.

  2. Never been there, except in books. It looks lovely. You were missed, and I'm glad you're back!

  3. Love that flower-in-a-flower. Maybe in a quilt sometime?????

    The orangey flower is possibly a dahlia. There are so many different kinds and colors....all lovely!

  4. Love that first flower! Actually, I really like them all! I hope you had a great time. I really need to get back to the Cape some day. It has been way too long.

  5. I love Cape Cod! Did you stop at Tumbleweed Quilts while you were there? They have great fabric. Here's the link to their blog.

  6. Looks like a lovely place to be--very charming.

  7. I live on Cape Cod and it IS lovely and Tumbleweed Quilts is great and so in Heart Beat Quilts -- I'm 14 mile from Heart Beat and nor far from Tumbleweed. Come one, come all --it's a great vacation destination and you can go home with some great fabric if you like. Also a sun tan and a tummy full of the best fried clams in the world.

  8. What a wonderful place to stay in. I hate to admit it, have never been to the end of the cape area.


  9. hiyall,
    I lived in P'town for several years when I was little. Mother and my sister still live there. Did you go past town hall and see a 6ft gypsy looking woman on a runaround playing the autoharp? that would be Towanda, mother. (mauh) Liz
