Saturday, August 20, 2011

South Bronx Charity Quilts

My friend Victoria Findlay Wolfe (right) is looking for 700 finished quilts for a South Bronx project which will give quilts to formerly homeless families who are moving into transitional housing. She has 300 quilts already, and is planning to reach her goal by November! Read more  here: BumblebeansBasics. I'm going to make a quilt for this project. I'll show you when it's done.


  1. Quilters are so very generous. I've donated 3 quilts to Basic Housing. I hope Victoria reaches her goal.

  2. Hola amiga, compartimos muchas aficiones, el patchwork, la familia y los buenos momentos.
    Espero poder compartir todos mis trabajos y mis tutoriales y comenzar una bonita amistad.
    Besos desde España

    Hello friend, we share many hobbies, patchwork, family and good times.
    I hope to share all my work and my tutorials and begin a beautiful friendship.
    Kisses from Spain

  3. What a generous project. I've sent quilts for Japan, and the most recent for Joplin. So many needs........

  4. Oh fantastic......who would not be thrilled with a quilt from Karen? I sent a few last year but will see what I can come up with when I get home. I too sent two quilts to Japan, but most of mine do go to QOV.
    I'll try to get another done for Victoria's cause though.

    Happy Sewing and good for you for helping by making a quilt and spreading the word.

  5. I love your shout out for this wonderful project! Just shipped mine today and have 2 tops to quilt... I better get home and get going on them! Can we create more time in the day? Cannot wait to see what quilt u create for it! Em
