Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Selvage With Spiders

I'm home from vacation. We spent a week at beautiful Cannon Beach in Oregon and we had a great time. I'll show you some photos tomorrow. But first, some interesting selvages.

Look at this great selvage from Moda's Haunted Mansions by Sanae (above). Now that would look good in a selvage quilt. Especially in a spider web quilt or Riel Nieson's mummy quilt.

These charming little shoes aren't color windows, just a fancy selvage decoration. Selvages are getting better and better.
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  1. Oh, dear, in another lifetime, I spent 2 weeks every August at Cannon Beach. How wonderful that was!

  2. And just think you may be the reason that designers are paying attention to salvages!

    Does anyone use salvages as cleverly as Riel? She must sort them for hours to get just the words she wants to use!

    Thanks for sharing these. So Karen, are we gonna start buy fabric just to get the salvages?

    Welcome home, come by my blog and enter for a chance to win a wrap I bought on vacation in Chile.

    Happy Sewing

  3. I was in Cannon Beach in July! Maybe you saw my two children there - they have been working there ALL SUMMER!

  4. I guess I need to buy some of that fabric just so I can get the spider selvage.

  5. Wow. You were a long way from home! Hope you had a grand time. Now you've got me watching for CUTE selvages. Thanks for the heads-up!

  6. Wow! I love that selvage. I am going to be looking much more closely from now on! Thanks.

  7. Oh Karen, you mind reader ... you know what that selvage would look the absolute best in -- a little spiderweb applique wallhanging with all the web spokes made of selvages. (Using the same method I did for making selvage snowflakes once) Oh, and what a conincidence, that is what is already underway at my house ... hee, hee. I am planning to show a little progress tomorrow. Too funny.

  8. how interesting - spiders - perfect for Fall! and the shoes, that is MY kind of selvage!

  9. These are great selvages! You are good at finding unique ones.
