Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Center Diamond Quilt Shop in Cannon Beach, Oregon

 Last week while on vacation in Cannon Beach, Oregon I visited the wonderful Center Diamond quilt shop several times. They have a huge selection of batiks, Asian designs, and black and whites. Plus lots more. Books and notions too. If you're in Oregon, this is a "must see" Say hi to Julie. See her blog for news updates.

This is the beach near the Center Diamond shop. This photo is from their site.


  1. No vacation is complete without a visit to a quilt shop!

  2. When I lived in Oregon one of our favorite places to visit for the day was Cannon Beach. Love Center Diamond. Great fabric, nice shop keepers. Looks like you got a good photo of the haystack off the coast.

  3. do you ever find yourself looking at the material selvage when choosing what fabric to buy? ~lol~

  4. So glad you could come to the Oregon Coast..Julie is great and so is her lovely shop! :)
    ~ Kathy (Hillsboro, Oregon)

  5. Now this shop looks great. One year when staying at Seaside I tried to go there, but it was raining so hard the road was flooded and we had to turn around. Now I know what I'm looking forward to.

  6. Loved visiting this shop when we were in Oregon. I bought a large unique button there, for a purse I was making. Still get "Wherever did you get that button?" questions.....

  7. OK, I'm ready to go on vacation....right now would be nice. What a wonderful shop. Thank you for posting the pictures.

  8. The Center Diamond gals have done some amazingly kind things for me! Too bad I enjoy Mt. Hood more than the coast.

  9. I was there last week TOO! I probably SAW you perusing the fabric! I adore this shop and every year when we go to CB it is one of my first stops! ESPECIALLY for coast fabrics of which they have almost as much as batiks!!! Thanks for posting about one of my all time favs!

  10. I had the pleasure of visiting Center Diamond and gorgeous Cannon Beach two years ago when we stayed at Arch Cove for a week. What wonderful memories!!
